Chapter 11:We're not a fairy tale.

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I meet Peter's eyes. He smiles at me comfortingly.

"The garage isn't too far from here. We'll be there in a few minutes." Said Peter. "You're gonna love it."

It's already past midnight. And all I could think, was that I finally met someone, who could show me the real world, and he's one of the criminals that my dad is looking for.

What if they find out that my dad is a cop? I'm in deep trouble. I just have to act natural.

"Bailey?" Asked Peter, interrupting my mind racing.

"Huh? What?"

"We're here." He Said. Hans slows down as we approach a neon bathed entrance. As Hans pulls in, I notice Peter staring at me oddly. "Hey... you feelin' alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just nervous to meet, uh your friends."

"First thing to know is, they're not my friends. More like, co-workers I get along with."

"I still want them to like me."

"I couldn't care less what anybody else thinks about you. I've got my own mind made up."

A tube woman, with pink highlights and tiny black clothes, pulls up the rolling door to the loading bay.

"Welcome back, boss." Said the girl. Hans parks and gets out of the car with Peter.

The garage is sprawling with high ceilings, its walls adorned in colorful street art. Gleaming Carson every imaginable type fill the shop.

"So, um, you work here?" I asked Peter.

"Sorta. I'll do some odds and ends. Repair work, tune-ups, transmissions. I know my way around my engines.

"I bet..." As Hans disappears into the back office, the tiny woman approaches.

"Well Peter? Gonna introduce her or what?" Asked the woman.

"Trinity. This is Bailey, my date tonight." Said Peter.

"You had a date?" Asked Trinity with her eyes wide open.

"Play nice, Trinity." Said Peter. Trinity steps even closer to me and I gulp. I try to offer her a handshake but she quickly knocks my hand aside.

"I don't do handshakes!" She Said and immediately plows me over, pulling me into a too tight hug. "There. That's better."

"Easy Trinity. You trying to suffocate her?" Asked Peter and dived his hands in his jean-jacket.

Trinity finally lets me go from that bone-crushing hug, and I step back, rubbing feeling back to my arms.

"It's, um very nice to meet you."

"Just giving you a proper welcome to our humble adore." Said Trinity and flipped her pink hair.

"Geez, Trinity. Maybe hold off the friendship bracelets for a minute?" A willowy tattooed girl with dark eyes and dark complexion sits on an exotic car nearby, chewing gum. "Where'd you find this one, Peter?"

"With the rich kids." He calmly said.

"Not bad, she's cute, very cute." Said the girl.

"Um.. thanks." I Said.

"Shy, too. You must been having a lot of fun with her, Pete!" Said the girl.

"Don't pick on her, Sydney. Only I'm allowed to do that." Said Peter. Sydney moves closer, her eyes burning a hole through me.

"So you're not a cop? Are you?" Asked Sydney.

"Um... I... am... not." I tried to say but thankfully Sydney interrupted me.

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