Chapter 21: The jukebox.

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"Study sesh, then a double date? What do you say?" Asked Riya.

"Wait So you're a thing?" I asked and they both smiled. "Ri, you're a genius."

"I know." She bragged. I pull my phone to text Peter.

Change of plans. I have an idea...

Peter knocks, and I let him in Rita's house, leading him to the kitchen where my friends are sitting.

"Everybody this is Peter. Peter this is everybody." I joked.

"Hi Peter. You look nice, veeery nice." Said Riya.

"I'm right here Riya." Said Jace, offended that she complimented Peter.

"Don't sweat it, man. I get that a lot." Said Peter and winked.

"A narcissist after my own heart." Riya joked.

"What are you working on?" Asked Peter and put his hands in his jean-jacket.

"Big problem in biochem. We're trying to get this mechanical model of replisome to work, but it keeps getting stuck." Jace complained.

Peter leans on the table, studying the model closely, with his fingers touching our model.

"Well your problem is right here. The weight o this part is bending the sliding ring's track so the rails don't engage." Said Peter. "Just gotta add some more nucleotides to support it." Everyone stares at him. "What? You know I'm good with machines."

"Where did you learn about those?" I asked him surprised.

"From my lawyer's forensic expert when I was on trial." Peter said.

"Oh my God, seriously?" Asked Jace surprised.

"No, dude. Not seriously."

"Whew." Jace sighed.

"I dropped out a few years back, but I still like to read sometimes. Gets lonely on the road." He tries to joke about this but he couldn't make it. "Now you know my darkest secret."

Soon Peter's help us finish constructing our model for class.

"It's magnificent!" Said Jace proudly.

"Peter you were amazing." Riya congratulates him.

"Good. I was trying to impress Bailey. Did it work?"

"Maybe." I said and bit my lower lip.

"If you think that's impressive, I could rattle off some historical days if you want—" I halt Peter with a kiss. Riya throws a pencil at me.

"Can't you two wait until we leave the room?" Jace complained.

"Get a room, you two!" Riya said.

Soon the four of us are over at a huge, tacky, retro booth, eating fries and milkshakes.

"This is so much better than studying." Riya admitted.

"So, Peter are you becoming a permanent meme we of our study group?" I asked.

"I guess, if you all will have me."

"Have you? I was about to beg you join." Jace joked.

Peter puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him in the booth.

"Jace, trade me your vanilla milkshake. I'm tired of my strawberry." Said Riya.

"Ri, you do this every time!" Jace observed.

"That's why I have a boyfriend! So I can get two different shake flavors." She joked. As Riya and Jace playfully bicker, Peter turns to me.

"Thanks for inviting me to hangout." He said.

"Well, I've been ensnared in your world. Thought you could get ensnared in mine."

"It's a nice change of pace for me. Calm."

"I promise I won't let you get too bored." I said and with my fingers i pulled his shirt.

"I never get bored. Matter of fact, I have an idea. Come with me." Peter leads me over to the jukebox and slots a couple of quarters in the machine. "Pick any song you want."

"I'll pick Elvis." I said excited, I spin up the 'Jailhouse Rock'. Peter laughs.

"Interesting choice for a night you're hanging out with a dangerous criminal." Peter joked, he offers me a hand. "Shall we?"

"Dance? Right here? In the middle of the diner?" I take his hand and sway back and forth to the music, holding each other close.

"Is this what'd be like? If I went to school? If I was a regular guy?" He asked. "Hanging out in diners with you and Riya and Jace and fix DNA models?"

"I know it's not a glamorous life of money and thrills... but yeah."

"Pretending to be normal feels surreal. It feels... dangerous."

"Normal can be overrated. Just look at me. I was living the same old boring life, I couldn't wait to get out of every day until I met you."

"How do you like me as a normal high school guy?" As the song draws to a close, I hold the kiss for a moment and then pull away.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Not completely sure. Maybe answer it again so I can make sure I get it?" I kiss him again. "You know, if you're not too tired we can still get you behind the wheel for some practice after this.."

"I'd like that." I spin around on the checkered floor as our song plays in the background. I don't see anything but each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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