Chapter 12:Bet a kiss.

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Later, I am helping in cleaning up. Nearby, Peter and Mason are butting heads.

"You know, you're faster at washing dishes than driving. I think you're in the wrong line of work." Mason teased Peter.

"It's too bad, you're Hans's kid. I'd really love to kick your ass, right about now!" Said Peter calmly, without facing Mason.

"Unlike you, I don't need permission from him to do what I want." Said Mason.

"Are you two gonna keep up this pissing contest all night or do you wanna settle this like adults?" Asked Sydney, while she was holding up a pair of pool cues.

"Oh, hell yes! I want to be with Sydney's team!" Shouted Ralph exited.

"Don't have to ask twice! I used to run this table when I was in high school." Said Mason.

"You sure you wanna lose to me like the last time?" Asked Peter. Sydney tosses a cue to Peter and he catches it. He raises an eyebrow at you.

"What do you say Bailey? You in?" Asked me Peter.


"I think it's time to show to these clowns what you're made of." Said Peter.

"If you're not a chicken." Said Mason.

"Relax... I don't bite much." Said Sydney.

"Besides... its always fun to make things interesting with a little wager." Said Peter.

"Ok, it's on!" I answered.

"Cool. Bailey's on my team!" Said Peter quickly.

"Not so fast, hot shot!" Said Sydney. Sydney pulls me and Trinity to her side. "We're doing an old-fashioned battle of sexes. Boys versus girls."

"Yess! Me, Mason and Peter! The dream team, back together after a long time!" Shouted Ralph.

"What? I'm not playing with this—" tried to say Peter but he was interrupted by Trinity.

"Consider it a bonding experience." She calmly said.

"You boys have fun!" I Said, teasing them. Peter laughs, shaking his head. He saunters to me.

"Just gotta warn you, I'm not gonna let you win. I've never been much of a gentleman." Said Peter.

"That much was obvious!" Said Sydney sarcastically.

"Seriously though, Peter has a competitive spirit... and he's used to winning." Said Trinity.

"Yeah? Me too. I'm the first in my senior class." I bragged.

"Nice to see that someone else here has brain. Dunno what you're doing with this guy though." Said Mason.

Mason sets up the triangle and breaks, strongly scattering the set all over the table.

"You're up first Bailey. Every shot is fair game." Said Sydney.

I lean against the table, lining up my shot and aim for the striped ball. I strike the cue ball, cleanly and it knocks in a ball sitting right by the center pocket.

"Not bad." Said Peter, leaning to his pool cue.

"That makes up stripes!" Said Trinity. Next Peter sets up and knock two of the solids.

"Told you I play to win." Said Peter proudly.

"You haven't won anything yet." I quickly said. Soon it's my turn again. The cue ball is in a bad position and I only really have one angle. I struggle to line up the shot.

"Need some help there?" Asked me Sydney. And before I could answer she wrapped her hands around mine from behind.

"I can do it on my own." I Said and Sydney pulled her hands away. I slide the cue through my fingers, striking the ball. It's ricochets off a wall and knocks in my target.

"You're a natural." Said Sydney.

The game is neck and neck as my turn comes back around. Mason leans on his cue, smirking at me as I set up.

"Pressure's On Bailey. Don't choke." Said Mason.

"Choke on this Mason." I Said and smoothly nail my shot and back away from the table with a casual shrug.

"Unbelievable." Mason admitted.

"Oh, Mason she just straight- up posterized you!" Said Ralph.

At last, it's down to just to three balls: one striped, one solid and the eight-ball. I prepare my shot.

"You look confident." Observed Peter.

"That's because I am." I answered.

"Yeah? Care to bet something on it?" Asked Peter.

"Sure, winner gets a kiss."

"You are confident. You got yourself a deal." Said Peter.

"Not a good idea Bailey. He'll be laser-focused now." Said Trinity. "When Peter wants something he goes all- in for it."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Said Peter.

I shut one eye, staring down the length of the cue, and aim for the striped ball. I pocket the last of stripes and then sink the eight-ball.

"That's game." I Said happily.

"Damn..." cursed Mason.

"Sorry boys. Sucks to suck." Said Sydney.

"Time to pay up, Peter!" I Said.

"A bet's a bet." He Said. Pete smirks to me as he draws close and pulls me for a deep kiss.

"Yeah! Bailey!" Cheered Ralph.

Peter pulls me tight against his body, as he lips press against mine, balling the fabric of my clothes into his fist. At last he releases me.

"Defeat never tasted so good." Said Peter.

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