Chapter 15:Getting up in trouble.

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I sprint into my house, quickly running around, gathering up my school things. That was close, the bus will be here soon. I can't believe I was up all night.

Just then I see my dad's car parking in the driveway. I glance down and realize that I'm wearing yesterday's clothes.

Crap! Dad definitely ask questions if I'm dressed like this in the morning. Not to mention that my classmates will notice that I wore the same outfit two times in a row! I have to change!

Freshened up, I hustle out of my room with my book bag right as my dad walks in.

"Good morning, you look nice!" Said my father with a big smile on his face.

"Oh? This old thing?" I asked and looked my black T-shirt and my grey leggings. "How was your shift?" I tried to change the topic of the conversation.

"Another long night. These Serpentine Crew is hard to find." He Said and I nodded. "Not a trace of evidence at any of the scenes. Just whispers of them. I'm lucky to have Brooke as my partner right now." He sighed. "They lifted an other car yesterday. One worth a thousand! I can't understand why someone needs so expensive cars but still.i hate thinking them on the street where my girl is."

"Dad, who cares about a millionaire losing his car? " I asked him and tried to hide my grin. "I'm serious! Nobody gets rich without stealing for themselves somehow, legal or not. Besides they can just buy an other one!"

"That's not the point. It's still stealing—" he doesn't get the chance to finish because I interrupted him.

"Why should you stay out all night risking your life for them?" I Asked angrily.

"Oh Bailey, You shouldn't be worried about me." Mumbled my dad, as he wraps me in a gentle hug. "I'm still tough!" He joked.

"I know..." I murmured.

"Now go on, your bus will be coming by any minute." He Said. "As for me, I'm gonna take a nice long nap! I was out all night, so I'm beat." I head for the door.

"Tell me about it." I murmured, thinking that I was up all night.

"Miss Rivers? Miss Rivers!" I heard a peachy voice shouting. I snap awake, realizing that I've dozed out in the middle of the class. Everyone is staring at me.

"What? I wasn't sleeping!" I ensured her.

"Then, perhaps, Miss Rivers, can you answer my question?" Asked the teacher. In the front row, Mona giggles.

"The question! Right...." I repeat not having a clue about the question. I look at Riya, who points at her eyes meaningfully. "Um, uh the eyes are organs of the visual system. They provide animals with vision, the ability to receive and process visual detail, as well as enabling several photo response functions that are independent of vision." I managed to say.

"Lucky guess." Said Mona.

"That is correct but I expect you to be alert in my class. Understand?" Asked the teacher.

"It won't happen again." I mumbled. As the teacher turns back to her desk, I whisper to Riya: thank you! And she nodded.

After class I walk with Riya in the halls.

"Bailey asleep in class? Since when are you mortal?" Asked Riya sarcastically.

"I'm just so tired. I stayed out until the sunrise." I complained.

"Out all night with Peter? Are you sure you're doing alright Bailey?"

"Yes! I'm finally making the changes that I wanted! I'm out taking the life by the horns." I joked.

"Just don't lose who you are, along the way, ok?"

"Don't be so dramatic Riya!" I Shouted.

A couple of days latter, I wake up in a confident mood. I was ready to talk to Peter more about everything.

Hey. Can i see you?

Busy this morning. Got somethin w Hans at the Pavilion. Text you later?

Are you getting up in trouble?

Nothing I cant handle.

I walk down the kitchen to find, my dad and Detective Brooke strapping on a bulletproof vests and loading their guns.

"Dad what's going on?"

"Oh sorry Bailey! I didn't mean to scare you!" Said Detective Brooke.

"I thought we'd be out before you woke up." Said my father. "We just got a tip, a deal with the Serpentine Crew is about to go down. Selling a stolen vehicle."

"And we know where it's happening!" Said Detective Brooke happily.

"We're going to raid their meeting now. These bastards are going down!" Said my dad.

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