Chapter 10:The race.

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"Racers ready!"


"Go!" The flag comes down.

Peter releases the clutch and punches the gas! We rocked out, feeling the G-forces pressing on my chest. The other racers launch forward.

The crown cheers as the eight vehicles speed away from the lot, venturing deeper into the deserted industrial park. Soon we're out of view of the crowd.

"Now while they can't see, take him out!" Shouted Felix louder than he thought.

"Peter, incoming on the left!" I Said.

One of Felix's goons catches up and swerves toward us! Peter steers right, dodging the ram.

"Not gonna let you scratch up this ride, asshole!" Shouted Peter angrily.

"Careful! The road is splitting!" I Shouted to get Peter's attention.

Up ahead, we can see a fork in the road, divided by rusted mental barricade. The goon swerves toward us again.

"Damn, He is trying to force us off the road!" Said Peter.

"Brake!" I Shouted. Peter slams the brake, evading the sideswipe, but loses speed.

"They're playing dirty!" Peter Shouted in exasperation.

"It's ok, we've got time to catch up." I replied, trying to calm his nerves down.

Were in the middle of the pack as the racers drive into the dark tunnel. I look over my shoulder and see one of Felix's goons on your tail.

"He's gonna us ram from beside!" I Said, trying to sound calm but all I could hear was my heart's thunder.

"I hate tailgaters." Peter joked. Peter yanks the wheel, spinning the car 180 degrees.

As I spin to face backwards, Peter switches on his high- beams, blinding the pursuer. The goon swerves and crashes into the tunnel wall, careening into the path of the other racers. Our spin takes us in a full pirouette, facing forward again. Peter guns it, exiting the tunnel.

"There he is..." i Said when I spotted Felix's car.

Felix is just ahead. He spots us in his rearview mirror. We're gaining on him, but his brake lights flash on.

"What is he doing?" I Asked surprised.

"He's slowing down to block us!"

Peter brakes to avoid hitting Felix. He tries to go around but Felix drifts back and forth to impede our path.

"Were running out of time, Bailey. The finish line's less than a mile." Said Peter, trying to think something. I quickly check under my seat and find a boost.

"I'll use this nitrous oxide tank." I Said and showed him the boost.

"A boost? Where'd you hear that?" Asked Peter surprised.

"Mario Kart?"

"Fair enough."

"It looks flammable."

"Very. Unscrew the valve. And when I give you the signal, press this red button. Then hold on tight, Bailey." I gulp. "Now."

Peter feints left. As Felix slides over to block, Peter jerks the wheel right. I shut my eyes tight and press the button, injecting the chemical into the engine. The Devore GT, propels forward us, like a fighter jet throwing back me to the back seat. My vision blurts into nothing but streaks of light. We blow past Felix and cross the finish line first.

Peter slams the brake and turns, skidding sideways to a perfect stop. Cheering and whooping, the crowd gathers around our car, Marc the loudest of them all.

"I can't believe it!" Shouted Marc happily.

"Well... That was something." I mumbled relieved now that this was over.

"Can't remember the last time I had so much fun." Said Peter and smiled. "Marc is gonna one you free food for life. Thanks Bailey."

Peter smiles at me, his face so vibrant and carefree. I lose myself into his blue eyes. I almost fling myself across the seat, pulling Peter into me. He responds in kind, his hand tangling up in my hair.

"We don't have to get out of the car, you know."  He offered.

"Yes we have, but not yet."

I kiss him again. Me and Peter climb out of the car joining the crowd. Marc hugs us both.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" Said Marc happily. Felix pulls up and gets out.

"You played dirty, kid!" He Shouted angrily.

"What can I say? I learned from the worst!" Said Peter carefree. "Marc's keys! Hand them over!" He commanded.

"I'll give you the key, alright." Said Felix disappointed. He drags the keys, along Peter's priceless car, leaving deep scratches in the paint job. A tense hush falls over the crowd. The crowd parts, revealing Hans, his cold eyes on Felix.

"Mr-Mr Hans, I- I'm sorry for- for your man's car-car. I-I can pay." Said Felix frightened. Hans doesn't reply, and all I could think was why all of them were afraid of Hans. "I'll make it up to you, Mr Hans."

"Eye for an eye! That's how you will make it up to me!" Said Hans angrily.

"My-my car?" Asked Felix, who couldn't hide his sadness.

"Don't make me say it twice!" Shouted Hans. "If you can't do it yourself, I can find someone to help you... Peter!" Peter nodded knowing what to do.

Peter goes to Felix's car and scratches the key into it, I could see Felix wincing at the sound. Hans picks up a crowbar and tosses it to Peter, who catches it. Peter looks again to make sure that Hans wanted him to continue and then, he bangs it against the side of the car.

"When we will be even, ill stop him!" Said Hans. Peter continues smashing up Felix's car the surrounding crowd watches in awe. Soon Peter had smashed the headlights and windshield of the car.

"That's enough." Said Hans. As Peter walks away of the damaged car, Felix gets into his dented car and speeds off as fast as he could.

"That was terrifying. You really work for that man?" I Asked Peter, who came and stood next to me.

"I definitely wouldn't want to work against him."

"Onto more important things Peter!" Said Hans and my heart stopped for a brief second.

"I couldn't let him, take Marc's truck, boss." Said Peter. "I'll take whatever punishment you've got. But I don't regret what I did." Hans steps closer to Peter.

"That's my boy!" Said Hans and clapped a hand on Peter's back.

"You're not mad?" I Asked surprised.

"The skill! That son of a bitch, Felix had it coming!" Said Hans happily and to be honest it was really creepy seeing him smile. "Why don't we head back to the garage and celebrate? Bring your date!"

Peter's open the backseat door for me.

"Cmon Bailey." He Said tiredly. I get in the car, unsure of how to respond. Peter climbs in after me. Hans sits in the driver's seat this time, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt as he does so.

Hans starts to drive, I notice a tattoo on Hans's forearm. I'm just able to make out the letters: S.C. I suddenly remember overhearing the onlookers before the race... as Peter walked by. Felix isn't in the Serpentine Crew. These two definitely are.

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