Chapter 3:The party.

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After school, me and Riya went to my house. Riya flops down on your bed dreamily. I bet she will start preparing for the party.

"So let's see, what are you wearing for the party?" She asked me exited.

"What I'm wearing right now." I say and Riya's face flinches when she sees my too casual outfit.

"That, piece of fabric that you get to call clothes?" She Asks disgusted. She opens my wardrobe and takes out a little black strapless dress, with a gold belt. "That's what you must wear!"

"Why's that?" I asked her, mimicking Peter's tone.

"Peter has definitely an effect on you." She confesses. "You don't even know him and you already do crazy things for him." I quickly grab the dress and wear it. It wasn't that bad.

"What do you think?" I asked her and touched the fabric of the dress.

"I think that it is exactly what you need!" She Said. "You'll be too much for Peter. He won't be able to take his eyes off you."

When we were about to leave we had to leave, we passed from the living room. We saw my dad sitting on the couch, as we approached he got up.

"Oh! Hi girls, What are you up to? Bailey you look very nice. Were are you going?" He Asked and his eyes were sparkling from curiosity. It was the first time that I dressed up for someone.

"Oh, Dad I forgot to tell you that we have made some plans." I quickly said, I lowered my head trying not to turn red from embarrassment.

"Plans? What plans?" He Asked surprised because me and Riya always study together and that's it.

"We will study." Riya lies.

"No Riya!" I Said angrily that she lied to my dad. "Dad we will go to a party." I announced.

"Since when do you go to parties?" Asked my dad, but he couldn't hide his curiosity.

"I'm just trying to do something different." I Said and dad smiled.

"Say no more! I get it." Said my dad relieved. "Don't worry it's your birthday and you can celebrate them however you want. We can play some other time."

"Thanks dad." I said relieved.

"Be safe, and please Bailey be home by ten, alright? I'm leaving for my night shift around then." He Said and I nodded but obviously Riya wanted to participate in this conversation.

"Don't worry Mr Rivers, I'll make sure of it." Said Riya.

We head to the door with Riya and take a one last look at my father, who was packing up all the board games, that he had prepared for our birthday night.

Riya drives and finally we arrive at Jace's house, which was full of classmates, dancing and talking. The music is too loud that my ears started buzzing. Suddenly a girl bulbs into me, it was Mona.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." Said Mona and at first she sounded polite but when she recognized me, her look changed. "Where did you find that get-up? I almost didn't recognize you."

"Don't you have something better to do Mona?" Asked Riya, defending me.

"That's for sure! Toodles." Said Mona and blew us a kiss.

"Let's hit the dance floor." Suggested Riya and you nodded as an agreement. All I could think about was Peter Dawson, was he here?

I join in, at first a little awkwardly but I got more confident when I lost myself to the beat. Riya spins me around making me see all the people at this party. I look across the living room and I spot Peter and Jace approaching Peter with a backpack. They shake hands.

"My dude!" Shouted Jace. "Glad you made it, having fun?" He Asked Peter.

"Lets just do this." Said Peter with a poker face. Jace hands his backpack to Peter, who unzips it to check inside. From a distance I could see that the bag was stuffed with stacks of cash. A lot of cash.

"You know Peter that I would never fool you." Said a Jace to Peter and hits gently his toned shoulders.

"You wouldn't fool me even if you tried." Said Peter and Jace looked at him angrily. Jace leaves Peter and as soon as Jace leaves him alone, Mona touches flirtatiously Peter's shoulder.

"Hey there! I'm Mona and I just couldn't help but notice a good-looking guy like you." She said trying her best to impress him.

"Is that so?" Asked Peter bored.

I find myself getting jealous, so I try to ignore their conversation. But when I look back over, Peter is already watching me. Riya nudges me toward him and forces me to talk to him.

"He is definitely staring at you! Go talk to him!" She instructed.

"And say what?" I asked sarcastically, knowing that I won't talk to him.

"Anything you will say to him, will be appreciated because you will save him from her!" Said Riya, meaning Mona. Riya pushes me again to him. Swallowing hard, I walk across the room and clear my throat, while I was thinking something to say that it wouldn't be misunderstood.

"Hey." I whisper but it was loud enough for Peter to listen to me.

"Hey yourself!" Said Peter, happily that I interrupted this conversation.

"Um, would you mind if you left? We were kind in the middle of something." Said Mona angrily.

"No we weren't." Said Peter. Peter never takes his eyes off me. Mona leaves by flipping her hair. He looks me up and down.

"Wow." He Said and offered me a smile. My cheeks burn with heat as blush.

"Wow what?" I asked him. I knew what he was talking about but I was craving to hear the truth from his mouth.

"You know damn well what." He Said, without giving me the satisfaction of hearing the words coming out of his mouth."You had me worried there. Thought you hadn't showed until I saw you across the room." Admitted Peter.

"You must have great eyes then. I mean your vision." I tried to say but it sounded all wrong, please kill me already. "You have great vision because you saw me, cause your eyes are great. Not that I'm into your eyes or—" thankfully Peter interrupted my monologue.

"Am I making you nervous?" He Asked with a smirk. Enjoying the fact that I couldn't say anything reasonable. "How come?" He Asked with a blank face.

My eyes involuntarily play across his toned arms and chest, under his white T-shirt and his silver chain. I feel myself blushing and lower my head from embarrassment.

"Cmon it's not a secret, you know that you are." I Said, trying to hide my blush.

"I like that you say exactly what you're thinking." He admitted.

"Well What are you thinking right now?" I asked him.

"That there's gotta be something better we could be doing with our night." What is he talking about?

"Oh really? I guess you don't usually hangout at high school parties with a bag full of money?" I asked him sarcastically.

"You noticed that huh?" Peter hangs me the bag. "Go ahead. Open it." He instructs. I slowly unzip the bag and I see stacks of 10,000$.

"I've never seen so much money in my whole life. What were you um-"

"Selling Jace a car. He's taken a few off my hands. He's got quite a collection in his garage."

"Is- is this the truth?" I stuttered.

"You asking me if I'm lying? I've got plenty of secrets but none of them are tied up in Jace's car collection." He Said and his tone was sending me chills.

"Secrets? What kind of secrets?"

"I can show you the collection, if you want to. Maybe a secret or two, if you ask nice." He suggested.

"I want you to show me the car collection." I Said and a charming smile was on Peter's face.

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