Chapter 7:Sideshow.

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Later that evening, Peter texted me the address that I would meet him, because he wouldn't come to pick me up due to a problem that came up.

A ride-share dropped me off at the address that Peter gave me earlier. But there was both there. I was wondering if I got the address right, until I heard music playing.

I hear a thundering beat carried in the wind. I follow the sound around a corner and find a sprawling lot parked with beautiful cars and even more beautiful people dancing and laughing. A car speeds blast, doing donuts in the lot and blasting music from an open window.

"What is this place?" I murmured. I walk through the lot, taking in all the exotic cars, mesmerized, thinking that you used to drive them too. Engines roar as drivers lift hoods and compare their rigs.

"Looks like you're in the wrong place sweetheart." I turn to see a boy off by himself, arms folded leaning against a car. "You're lost, aren't you?"

"Look, are you just gonna stand there being a jerk, or can you tell me what this place is?" I Said losing my patience.

"I can multitask. You're looking at the biggest sideshow in West L.A."


"We get together, show off our rides a little. Do some stunts, some racings.... make new friends, new enemies."

"You must take all sorts of friends with that charming personality." I Said sarcastically.

"Hey! Say what you want, but I'm not the one who ditched my date like this." He said defending himself.

"Bailey, Hey! There you are." Said Peter.

"Here comes the knight in shining armor now!" Said the man sarcastically.

"Who's this?" Asked Peter angrily.

"The guy who had to keep your little girlfriend some company." Said the man.

"Peter I'm fine! He was giving me directions." I Said So Peter would calm down.

"Oh yeah? Is all your help this aggressive pal?" Asked Peter angrily.

"I can see what you like about this guy, sweetheart." Said the man to me.

"You're really trying to test my patience, aren't you?" Said Peter.

"Everything is Fine." I Said.

"See you around, sweetheart." Said the man and winked at me. Peter glares at him as he goes away.

"Sorry I'm late, I had some business to handle and there was trouble with the... never mind." Peter scratched his neck. "But my day's improving quickly now."

"Mine too." I Said and smiled. "So a date in a sideshow huh?"

"We were in your world last night. Now we're in mine. Think you can handle it?"

"You'll never know until you try." I said calmly.

"Ain't that the truth." He Said. "Can I, just say that you're making it really hard to concentrate in that outfit." He added, I looked at my black shorts and my red crop top.

"Really? I'm just trying out a new look." I Said happily.

"Well you're pulling it off." Peter slowly touches my shoulder, his callused fingers grazing my skin.

"I'm that case I will keep it." I Said.

"You won't hear me complaining." Said Peter.

Peter takes my hand and leads me into the crowd. A pickup rumbles by on hydraulic lifts as Peter takes you on a tour of a car meet.

"Yo Seth! Love the turtle-shell interior. Now it matches your speed!" Teased Peter. The pickup laughs and raises his middle finger to Peter.

"He's still salty about the race, I beat him last month." Said Peter to me.

"This is amazing! I can't believe all these cars and people!" I Said smiling. "I've had completely forgot about this world."

"It's the only life I've ever known." Said Peter.

"I'm glad you're comfortable in sharing it with me." I Said and smiled.

"It helps that I'm good at it, too. You've gotta warm some respect out here..."

"You don't have to prove anything to me, Peter."

"Sure I do. I've got something to prove to everybody." He Said and his voice was more raspier than the usual. "Hey you hungry? Follow me."

Peter leads me over to a food truck, painted with street art and trimmed with bright neon lights.

The owner peeks out of the window and spots Peter coming. He hops out, and they hug tightly.

"It's been only a minute Pete!" Said a boy.

"Bailey this is my cousin, Marc." Said Peter.

"Wow, Pete never brings girls around, but I can see this is a special occasion." Said Marc and smiled. He shakes my hand. "I'm morally obligated to tell you that you are way too good for my cousin." He joked.

"Easy now." Said Peter, not allowing him to talk more.

"So What are you having? The orders are on me. Best street food in the city." Said Marc proudly.

"I'll take the quadruple-decker grilled cheese!" I Said excited.

"Grilled cheese? Didn't realize you catered preschools, Marc." Said Peter.

"Shut your damn mouth Pete, it's my favorite thing on the menu." Said Marc.

"Yea, Shut your damn mouth." I repeated. He serves up a colossal tower of toasted sourdough and melted cheddar with a side of piping hot tomato soup. I dip a corner and take a bite.

"Wow! Can you please bring your truck to my high school lunchtime? You would make so much money!" I said.

"Can't say no to that." Jokes Marc.

"Peter didn't tell me he had a cousin in L.A." I said.

"We ain't actually related. But we are family. Known each other a long time." Said Marc.

"Long enough to know this food truck isn't street legal." Said Peter.

"Shh, it would still wipe the floor with your Hot Wheels-lookin' ride." Said Marc.

"Marc you race in your... food truck?" I asked him. He grins and points up to the sign novel this truck: Fast Food. "By the way Peter, Hans is looking for you." Peter's face goes dark for a second.

"Hans's here?" Peter Asked. Marc shrugs. Peter checks over his shoulders and sees someone. "Alright, I'll go talk to him, thanks for the heads-up."

Who is Hans?

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