Chapter 13:Always watch your back.

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The night winds on. I lose track of time as I converse with Peter's Crew.

"Okay, Bailey moment of truth!" Said Ralph, I look at him carefully. "You're right, way too hard for a question." He Said. "What about your favorite car in this decade?"


"Still too many options but the Stuttgart's new Sugspitze V8 has an incredible kick." Said Ralph.

"Yeah, you know all about that, don't you Bailey?" Asked Mason.

"Leave her alone, Mason!" Shouted Peter.

"Well, as a matter of fact the car that I used to drive in was: 1969 chateaux panther XX." I Said and Mason's jaw dropped down.

"Well That is a fine car." Said Ralph and I smiled.

"Yes it was. But now I don't drive." I confessed.

"At least you're honest." Said Mason sarcastically.

"Can you shut up Mason?" Shouted Peter angrily.

"It's alright Peter, we don't discriminate here." Endured him Trinity.

"My dad thinks it's too dangerous after my accident. He's just protective." I Said.

"That's one word for it." Mumbles Peter.

"Actually now that I think about it, you've come to the perfect place!" Said Ralph.

"My dad wouldn't like to see me driving again."

"That's the worst punishment imaginable!" Said Ralph. "What car do you want to drive?"

"I don't know if I remember how to drive..."

"Cmon." Said Peter and I opened my eyes wide open. "If your old man wont teach you, I will." He Said and I smiled.

"Really Peter? That would be amazing! When will we start?"

"How about right now?"

Minutes later, Peter's parking his Devore GT in a parking lot near the auto shop.

"Okay, watch my feet. Gas, brake... and clutch the pedals. And this lever between us is the gear shift."

"I think I follow so far." I mumbled.

Peter walks me through the various system, dials and matters.

"And we'll ease you into all that. But honestly the best way to learn is... to do."

"What are you saying?" I asked him surprised.

"I'm saying, you're about to drive."

"What if—?" Peter interrupted me.

"You want to start living your own life again and not watching others do it, right? Cmon you take the wheel."

Me and Peter swap seats in the car. I feel butterflies in my stomach as my fingers wrap around the leather steering wheel. I try not to close my eyes and remember my terrible accident.

"Just like we talked about it. Remember the steps?" Asked me Peter. I clutch the pedal, hold down the brake pedal. "So far, so good. Now turn the ignition."

I subconsciously twist and hold the key. Beneath me, the car rumbles to life. Holding the wheel, I feel its power vibrating through me, just like the old times. I move the gear shift left and up. And then I rev the engine by pressing the gas pedal. The rumbling intensifies as I press the accelerator. The tachometer needle climbs.

"That's it just below—" I interrupted Peter.

"Two thousand RMP, and then—"

"You feel the clinch engage?"

"Yes." I clinch the pedal and release it slowly. As I do the car begins to move.

"Ohmygod, I'm doing it!"

"Damn right you are." Said Peter happily. "You are officially a driver again."


"Take us for a spin around the lot."

I turn the steering wheel clockwise. I delicate the spin and the car begins to turn.

"There you go, troublemaker." Said Peter teasing me. "You're picking it up quick." Peter confessed. "If you want I could show you a few more things."

"I'd love to!"

"That's what I like to hear." He Said. "Now, if there's one thing I've learned from a personal experience, it's that what's behind you is as important as what's ahead of you."

"What will you teach me now?"

"I'm gonna teach you how to reverse. When you're in a jam and there's no way forward, it'll get you outta there." He Said. " Now brake to a stop. Then use the same clutch motion to move the stick to 'R'."

I subconsciously check the mirror to see behind me and the rearview anything behind me.

"I'm being dumb. Of course we're in an empty lot!"

"Not at all. Always watch your back."

Once I've checked the mirrors, I slowly push down the accelerator. The car backs up nice and easy.

"When you'll feel more comfortable, you'll drive faster."

"I want to drive as fast as you!" I Said exited.

"I think we know that could get dangerous for both of us." Said Peter.

"What? Worried about the challenger to the throne?" I asked him.

"Worried about an other car crash. That's what happens in a race when two people want it too much."

"I love hearing Mister Reckless here tell me I should be cautious." I Said sarcastically.

"You think I'm reckless?"

"Aren't you? Last night we were lucky to get away from the cops."

"We weren't lucky Bailey. I was ready." He instinctively reaches up to the unique- silver necklace resting against his chest. The one that he was wearing at the party.

"What is that thing anyway?" He realizes, he's touching it and holds it up to show me.

"It's a spark plug. From my first car." He calmly said. "I was fifteen. Got into to trouble with some people. I ran. I was terrified. I let those emotions to take over." He paused, thinking for a while. "I lost focus. Lost control."


"That car was completely totaled. I should've died. I was lucky." He Said. "So I promised to myself I'd never lose control again. That I'd never leave anything up to luck again." He continued. "No matter how fast I'm going, I'm in control. That's the thrill of speed." He sighed. "That's why I know every inch of my car."

"And that's why you'd walk away from me." I was thinking but said it out loud.

"Bailey that's not what I'm—"

"I get it." I Said coldly. "You can try to control everything in your life. But not everyone can control their feelings." I paused. "That's why you would walk away. To always be in control."

Peter holds my gaze for a long moment. I see the muscles in his throat in his neck tense and then he looks away.

"We're getting distracted." He Said and his tone sent me chills.

"Fine, I will try a figure- eight around these two lampposts." I sighed. "Backwards?"


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