Chapter 2:Peter Dawson is a disaster.

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When Mona walked away, it was Peter's time to leave. Without saying a word he nodded and started walking away with his hands in his pockets.

"Wait!" I subconsciously shouted but Peter was already gone. Suddenly I felt a small hand tapping on my shoulder. Who is this now? I didn't even turn around and my best friend, Riya Crawford already hugged me.

"Happy birthday love!" She said and I smiled because finally someone remembered my birthday. "How we will spend this historical day?" She joked.

"Maybe a study session?" I suggested and Riya laughed.

"Typical Bailey Rivers." She said. "You never change, do you?"

"What can I say?" I Said with sass. "I'm already perfect." I joked and Riya smiled.

"Did your dad got you a car?" She asked me but she knew my answer when I lowered my head and shook it disappointed. "Don't worry, he has every reason to behave like that." She said.

"It has nothing to do with my mum!"

"Trust me, it has to do with your mum! Let's face it! He is afraid that he will lose you like your mum." She sighed. "You can't control car accidents."

"Tell me about it." Riya was looking curiously at Jace Quinns, also know as the most rich kid in the whole town. He was talking with him! Peter.

"Peter? You know the guy that Jace is talking to?" Asked Riya and I realized that I was talking out loud.

"No no no!" I refused. "I don't know him!"

"Where did you meet him?" She asked me.

"Riya, I really don't know him!"

"Ok then!" She Said and dragged me near them. Jace was into Riya and he would do everything for her. But when Riya loosen her grip I crashed on a muscular body, and then I fell on the ground, spilling all my books.

I find my face an inch away from a pair of black boots. I slowly look up and see Peter. He looks down at me with a cocked eyebrow. But the real question here was:why was he talking to Jace? The richest kid in the school?

"My bad." Said Riya and I looked at her angrily. I didn't change my position, I guess my ego was too bruised right now.

"That was so embarrassing, that I'm embarrassed of you! How does humiliation feels?" Asks me Jace and I feel my face flush hot with shame. Until Peter offers me a hand. I put my hand in his big palm and Peter easily pulled me up on my feet.

"Uh, thanks." I mumbled. "I'm really sorry for running into you. It won't happen again!"

"It won't? Too bad." Said Peter and I felt a little bit better by his flirty comment.

"I just got distracted and then I didn't— sorry but who are you?" I pretended to don't know him and Peter realized it. I was expecting him to react aggressively or start mocking me but he had a poker face.

"You cut right into the chase, don't you? The name's Peter." He Asks and I feel relief that he was so calm.

"I haven't see you here again. Do you go here?" I asked him but Riya started talking.

"He is a new kid." She Said But Peter replied ignoring her.

"Not exactly. Though right now I kinda wish I did." He Said and I could realize the bitterness in his voice.

"Peter you are so kind. I dabble in charity too. But can you focus on me?" Said Jace angrily. "We'll do our exchange at my house party tonight. Not something too much just the hottest girls, kegs, DJ... you would be stupid to miss it."

"Stupid, huh... is she going?" Said Peter and turned to me.

"M-me?" I stuttered.

"Her?" Asked Jace and Riya in unison. Peter nods to your advanced textbooks.

"You seem smart. And I wouldn't wanna be stupid now, would I? So if you are going..." Peter Said But I cut him off.

"I-I mean... party? Tonight? I'm not inv— " Jace interrupts me.

"Of course she is invited! This is one of my best friends... um... her name is...." He tried to say but he doesn't know my name.

"Bailey." I say to get him out of his awkwardness.

"So I'll see you at Jace's party then, Bailey?" Asked Peter.

"Maybe." I mumbled, I really didn't want to go to the party. Peter dived his hands in his jean jacket pockets.

"Maybe?" He Asked unsatisfied by my answer.

"She will definitely be there!" Said Riya and places her hands on my shoulders, I bet she was going there anyway, without me.

"I wanna hear it from her." Insisted Peter.

"What can I say? I go where the wind takes me." I joked.

"A girl after my own heart." Said Peter and I blushed. Then Peter turned to Jace, his tone now was more serious. "Alright Jace, we've got a deal. See you tonight." They shook hands and part ways.

Then with one last look at you, Peter gets in his fancy Divore GT and takes off. The whole school stares after his sport car as he zooms away. The moment he is gone you feel your heart pounding nervously.

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