Chapter 5:They are chasing us.

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We dart back into the main house,where everyone was panicking. A lot of them were screaming: 'Oh crap the cops! They are busting the party!', others were running to get out and others were crying.

"Riya where are you?" I Shouted But no one replied. "My first time going out, and I'm about to get arrested? My dad is going to kill me!"

"I won't let that happen! Come on, I'll get you out of here!" Said Peter. I start for the front door but Peter holds me back. "That's where the cops will corner everyone. This way, and stay close." Peter leads me against the flow of people, but I start to fall behind. I quickly grab Peter's hand, my fingers entwining with his. "Don't let go, Bailey." He Said.

"I won't." I ensured him. Peter slams open a side door.

"My car is just through here." I dash across the mansion's backyard and run into wrought- iron fence.

"We are trapped!" I shout desperately. Peter grabs my hips and easily lifts me, vaulting me up over the fence. Then Peter leans up and grabs the top rail, muscles rippling as he lifts himself up and over, landing easily next to me.

"We are almost there. Stay low." Commanded Peter. From a distance I saw a pair of police cruisers skid to a stop outside the front entrance.

"You there stop!" Shouted a LAPD officer but thankfully Jace started talking.

"Do you even know who I am?" Shouted Jace. "My father golfs with the mayor!"

"Hey! Those two are getting away! Go cut them off!" Shouted an other LAPD officer.

Me and Peter steak past the hedges until I spotted Peter's car. He hurdles through the driver's side window and behind the wheel as I clamber into the passenger seat. Peter throws the stick into gear and hits the gas. The car rockets forward, blasting on the road just before a squad car can block our escape. We could here the LAPD officers, shouting: Pull over!

"They are right behind us! Step on it!" I Shouted and Peter smiled when he heard my words coming out of my mouth.

"That's the plan." Peter flips a switch on a small device on his dash and I hear voices on the radio.

Hot damn! The kid's fast! We are chasing him!

"Is that a police scanner?" I asked him.

"It comes in handy sometimes."

We need backup!

As I reach to an unknown place, Peter swerves dodging the incoming squad car and races past them, the other way. Peter can help it but laugh.

"Are you enjoying this?" I ask him surprised, because I was about to faint.

"Aren't you?" In the sideway mirror I see the cops gaining on us.

"They're still following us." I told him and Peter smiled. "And they brought friends." I added. Peter has a cunning smile drawn on his handsome face. What is he thinking? "What are we gonna do?"

"I will do something risky. Do you trust me?" He Asks and his blue eyes sparkle in the dark. What is he going to do?

"How can I trust you? I barely even know you!" I Shouted. The speedometer ticks past 100 miles an hour. Peter takes my hand from my thigh.

"It's now or never Bailey. Do you trust me?" He Asked me once again.

"Fine! I trust you!"

"Then hang on!" He calmly said. Peter yanks the e-brake and spins the wheel. The car smashes through a barricade and careens off the edge of an overpass, taking flight.

My heart is in my throat, weightless for a spilt second but it feels like an eternity. I subconsciously squeeze Peter's hand tight. Then we land hard on all four wheels, several feet down the freeway, speeding away from the police trap.

"Ohmygodohmygod, What did we just do?" I ask surprised.

"Piece Of cake." Says Peter and smiles like it was nothing.

Unbelievable! He just jumped the overpass! He is getting away! We can't see them.

Peter looks down to where I was still clenching his hand with a white- knuckles grip.

"I told you, you could trust me." He Said and with his thumb he caressed my palm.

Soon after giving Peter my address, he is pulling to my house, and my heart is still thundering in my chest.

"Are you ok?" Asked me Peter, trying to look directly in my eyes.

"More than ok! I feel amazing! I feel so fucking alive! And I don't even curse!"

"Happy to oblige."

"Peter, I almost want to do this again!" I admitted.

"That's the thing about living in the edge. One taste only leaves you wanting for more." He Said. "Maybe some other time. I try to only run from the cops once or twice a week."

We fall silent. It's past when i told my dad I'd be home, but still I hesitate to get out of the car.

"Thank you for saving me." I say to break the silence.

"Hey, You saved me first. From the girl at the party. I owed you one." He says and I smile, thinking Mona's angry face. "So we're even. Besides I couldn't see a girl as beautiful as you to get in trouble."

"You're the one who's gonna get me in trouble." I joked.

"That much, I can guarantee." We can't keep our eyes off each other. I feel myself leaning unconsciously closer to him. I lean further and Peter closes the distance between us, his mouth against mine. I can hardly believe what is happening to me, but then Peter tangled his fingers up in my hair and kisses me deeper. I finally let myself sink in the sensation. At last I pull away and Peter smiled at me.

"You really know how to leave 'em wanting more, don't you?" He Asked and I'm just glad that it is so dark that he can't see me blushing.

"What a night! I went to my first party, ran from the cops and had the most amazing first kiss I could've have ever imagined." I paused thinking this day. "You made this birthday for the record books."

"Hold on. Today's your birthday?" He Asked me surprised.

"I left that part out, didn't I?"

He leans close. "Happy birthday, Bailey." He whispered to my ear. He quickly kisses me again as incredible as the first time.

While I go out of the car his voice stopped me. "Bailey, When will I see you again?" He Asked and I honestly didn't know what to answer. "Be ready nine o'clock tomorrow and meet me outside." He Said and I nodded.

Somehow I feel more lightheaded than during the chase. As if floating, I make my way up to the front door. I quietly close the door behind me and I turn around. The man is waiting for me in the living room. The detective's badge dangling on his neck chain catches the light.

"Hi Bailey." Said my dad seriously.

"Hi dad.." I say and I can't help but feel guilty for ditching him tonight.

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