3 Hope You're Not Drunk

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"SERIOUSLY? I MEAN, YOU SOUND like you've gotten yourself into a great shit." Rachael sounds excited, failing to convey her solemn feelings. I know she is finding all the situation very funny.

"I have gotten myself into a shit." I sigh taking the bite of my tandoor sandwich.

"But I don't know the exact bits and pieces of that night. All I remember is some hot Asian guy checking you out and that's all."  I mumble a curse in a whisper, honestly feeling annoyed with the excitement Rachael is throwing off from the other line of the phone.

"Just leave the topic."

"Okay, okay, sorry. I don't want to ruin you're mood, but babe. He is your boss and your neighbor. Can you see the amount of coincidence."

"Ree, if you were in front of me right now, I would have smacked you with hot coffee in my hand." A bark of laughter erupt through the speaker of the phone making me wince.

"Alright, but, maybe, what if he's your knight in shining armour?"

"That's it. Bye Ree, say hello to Jack and yup, I'll remind myself not to talk to you about my boss and neighbor anymore." I hang up the call in between her deafening laughs.

With a sigh, I glance around myself to see the fully loaded cafe. Just like a typical Saturday morning, crowded cafe, busy staff and orders on full. I chose to pamper myself with a cafe coffee day breakfast since I was feeling too lazy to prepare on my own.

I called my best friend to share the sad story of mine so that I can feel lifted, but instead, she became successful in ruining my mood. I scoff recalling her calling him the Knight in shining armour. That annoying and arrogant bastard can never be my knight. The guy is filled with complete arrogance from head to toe.

He doesn't leave a single chance to annoy me and it piss me off to a greater level. I'm grateful to have few friendly company in the office. Donna is a great friend, and Jimin is an amazing adviser. I even asked Jimin about Jeon Jungkook's nature in a twisted way as I see Jimin being pretty close with him. He showered me with a very unexpected answer:

'Kook is a great guy. He is indeed a strict perfectionist, but he also is very workaholic person. The reason why no one in the Crystal Company has got the job as an EE is just Kook. He doesn't let anyone work in that position. He annoys and put pressure on the person so much that the person itself will leave the job. And that's what he wants. He wants to see determination and dedication. He pushes the limit of a person to see how much that person can go, how much the person can handle. So no one got the job yet.'

Jimin's answer put me in a cliffhanger. I am well aware that Jeon Jungkook is purposely doing all these things, but after hearing Jimin, my doubts were cleared. The guy is indeed filled with brains, and I'm more than grateful to work under him. The times, when he is working, I can feel the aura of superiority radiating from him. But the times when he annoys me, or I can say, push my limits it pisses me off a lot.

The biggest problem is the way my body and mind react to him. I feel like my brain doesn't have any hold of it whenever I'm around Jeon Jungkook. My imagination power increases to a level which I never experienced and it surprises me a lot. The guy unknowingly has a very great effect on me and I don't know how.

Apart from him being a jerk, I love the way he thinks and act. Every action of him is calculated and measured. Since the cover of the autumn issue has to be launched, the whole company is in the chaos, and impressively, everyone are just hanging upon the decision of Jeon Jungkook, I'm too. I cannot help but think about him the time when I'm around him, and when I'm not.

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