19 Hard Feelings

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JUNGKOOK PULLS UP THE machine around a small cabin type of place which radiates the feeling of a fairy tale hut, with those pebbles around the house and Italian lamp post on the entrance and small bushes and plants around it. We both step out of Jeep and head towards the entrance of the cabin. He walks ahead of me and stops just in front of the door. I thought he might be having any keys with him, but he reach out for the wall adjacent to the door and just like a safe case, the wall open up as a metal door click revealing a pass code lock leaving me speechless.

"Are we allowed to come in here?" I ask in the mood of annoying him because he has annoyed me enough since the day one we met in the bar. Okay, not met, encountered.

"This too comes in our territory." He says simply and press few buttons to unlock the door.

"I wonder what all you have in your territory." I say quietly to hear him chuckle. The door flies open and he give aside for me to step in first.

I step inside the dark room and he flips some lights on from behind and the living room comes in view. Couches and tables are placed neatly around with a large home screen and play station set over there. The length from roof to floor is short which makes it look cute. Aside from the living room is a small kitchen with almost all kind of utensils and appliances. In short, the place looks comfy.

"You got nice place." I remark as we both leave our shoes in the entryway and enter inside the comfy living room.

"Thank you." He stands right just behind me to my surprise. "You sit here; I'll get us some wine." I hum and sit on the couch facing kitchen to notice every move this demon is making.

"So, you own this place." I see him walk towards the kitchen and produce a bottle of prosecco from the fridge. I wonder how he knows I like prosecco.

"I don't. I made it along with Taehyung and Jimin hyung."

"Wow, that's great. You guys have vision." He laughs while bringing the wine bottle and two glasses over the living room where I am sitting. He places them on the table and plop on the couch next to me.

"Hmm." He reaches out for wine and pours some of them in each of the glass. "I think we were in the interrogation session?" I clear my throat thinking about the type of questions he could ask me. "Here." He hand me one glass and I mumble a thank you for him. "If you don't mind I could go ahead?"

"Hmm, go on." My voice itself is trembling. We both face each other and he gazes me intently with squinted eyes.

"What is your greatest fear?" Why his question does surprise me? I bite my lips starting to think very deeply about it. It's the question I cannot answer truthfully to him, so I answer the next thing close to it.

"Um, drowning?" I mentally face palm myself for sounding so unsure about my own answer. Jungkook laughs a bit and then shake his head before raking his hand through his hair.

"I want truth from you, not your lies." I eye him sheepishly and gulp down a small sip of wine, the taste I can never get enough of.

"Deep and hard feelings." I state in distress. I watch him looking very determined, as if analysing what I said just now. I know its total waste to lie to him, since he is the person who knows me more than myself, and I don't know how and of course Jimin, so I decide to tell him my mental fear not physical. I won't say he knows me, he knows only what my mind thinks, not my actual feelings, and at least that's what I think.

"I can buy that." He nods to himself taking a sip from his own glass. "But why it's your fear? I guess everyone have their own deep feelings one way or another. Why would you fear something which is inevitable?"

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