71 Ideal Boyfriend

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Working with your own boyfriend is tough. You need to take care of the term boss and boyfriend all day and also need to keep in mind that both begin with the letter ‘B’. Today I had convention with the renowned people across the states regarding the marketing strategies and collaborating schemes. Even though these all sounds damn boring, but trust me, the amount of new things you learn is beyond imagination. One to two hour long meeting could change your entire interest and strategy, basically flip your brain, but you need to be careful it could even fuck up your mind.

Namjoon also joined the meeting today since he is going to make a collaboration following the launch of new project with the Crystal Company. Hearing people speak their presentation, and giving my own ideas, I feel nothing but privileged. Before as an intern, I used to just watch these conventions from afar, the place that’s been assigned to the interns, but now taking part in it and seeing people hear your ideas, I feel proud and confident.

I worked on this project for days and Jungkook himself watched how much I was dedicated towards it. I had only four hour sleep for the whole week, only two meals, among which only breakfast is included as proper meal and zero skin care routine. My face feels so much changed in just a damn week. I need to pamper myself. Oh, I forgo I have a handsome boyfriend who could pamper and spoil me.

Being in a same room as Jungkook while having a serious business meeting is difficult than presenting the schemes I made. I am glad that three people who are counted on my best people list were there, Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook, I felt at ease. Jungkook is good at stealing glances while I am the lost pig. He would always catch me staring at him and god only knows how he could react so calmly whenever our eyes would meet, I would burn in fire.

“Y/n?” a bold voice calling me snaps me out of my daze. I turn around and see Namjoon smiling and walking towards me with Jungkook and Jimin beside him.

“Hey.” I smile back and wait for them to reach me. The meeting ended few minutes before and now I am hungry as fuck. I will finally eat in peace now.

“You did great today, I loved your presentation.” He compliments me and I cannot help but to feel the heat rising over my face.

“Thanks.” Can I sound any shier?

“I guess if you were not so passionate about working here, I would’ve hired you long ago.” I say nothing but just smile at him. “And I have zero doubts that you will excel in this project. I will personally talk to the higher ups and will recommend your name as programme director.” He says leaving me speechless and gawks at him with wide eyes. That’s the moment when he receives a call, he takes it out, reads the number and looks back at me and send me the warmest smile Joon ever had. “Well, it was a great meeting today; I’ll take my leave now.” As the busy person he is, he talks hastily. “See you guys later, Y/n, Jungkook.”

“Bye Joon.” I say and he embraces me in a light yet warm hug.

“Later hyung.” Jungkook says and Namjoon nods before disappearing behind the walls along with Jimin leaving Jungkook and I alone in the empty hallway. Namjoon is always busy. “Babe?”

“Hmm.” I turn to face the man in brown coat having a smile on his face.

“I believe you need to be spoiled?” almost instantly my whole mood lighten up.

“Yes!” I squeal in excitement. Whenever he uses this term, it means he has planned something good. He laughs at my excitement and shakes his head.

“I knew it, so...” oh, how much I love this sound. He leans down to probable whisper in my ear as his lips touch my pinna. “I’m gonna take you shopping!” I swear I cannot feel anything. I push him away with all my strength and cover both the ears with my hands. He literally shouted in my ear!

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