46 Robert Nelson

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*Y/n’s POV*

“Yeah Dad, I’ll be there.” I speak into the phone as I rummage through my closet to find an ideal dress for tonight.

Is your boyfriend coming?” He asks in a hesitant tone.

“Yup, he is coming.” I don’t know how he agreed to join me. When I first asked him, he agreed to me ever so calmly.

Great, I hope he’s good.” There is an edge to his tone which is not good I guess. I sigh before speaking again.

“Dad, he’s important.” A sound of sigh erupts from the other line.

I know, honey. I’m just being careful. After all it is important for you.

“Whatever it is Dad, but please don’t put yourself on an FBI agent mode when he’ll come.” I know what he would do once he will get in all forms. Dad laughs hearing me.

Oh no my angel, I don’t want him to run away out of fear.

“Yeah, sure.” I snort.

I have always been hopeless when it comes to makeup. I try to pull out a nude look that would go well with this nude colour knee length dress, but I am literally a mess. It’s been more than half an hour I am struggling to keep my look neutral but I don’t know what is wrong with this mascara. My lashes stick to one another. I groan feeling all defeated. Grabbing the curler, I manage to separate the strands, and finally, my makeup looks presentable. I choose to wear beige heels to match my outfit. I look into the mirror and impressively, I am looking good.

Tonight’s party is not a big one, but just a small family get together that happen once or twice a year. Every year one or the other young member would bring a date with them and only I was the one who never brought one, but this gotta be the first time. I guess no one was great enough for me to introduce them to my parents, but Jungkook, he is indeed special for me. And I hope Mom and Dad would love him.

I grab a clutch and slip my phone and a spare lipstick in. Spare makeup is always helpful since it is my home and I am gonna eat like Jin which means my makeup would be ruined by the end of the night. Laughing at my own thought, I walk outside of my closet to go in the living room to wait for Jungkook and just as I enter the living room, Jungkook appears from the front hallway. What a coincidence, I am on time.

“Bab-” he calls out but stops midway when he spots me standing by the couch. Holly molly, he is again wearing a suit, so beautiful and handsome and hot. He looks breath taking in black turtle neck shirt beneath his black blazers and damn the colour black compliments his built a lot. There is a wine bottle in his hands and I look up at his face to immediately receive a heart attack. His face looks as handsome as ever and with those short hairs, his features look more defining.

“You look handsome Jungkook.” I compliment and see some pink tint covering his cheeks, how adorable. He looks down for a bit and then looks back to meet my gaze.

“Thank you baby,” I walk towards where he is standing and he holds his hand outstretched for me and I place mine over his. “You yourself look stunning.” At the end of the sentence, I receive a kiss on my cheek. My eyes land on the wine bottle and instantly my eyes widen and look back at his face.

“That’s Dad’s favourite wine, how did you know that?” I ask in disbelief only to receive a big grin from him.

“Just a guess.” He simply shrugs his shoulders. “Now if you’re ready, so shall we leave?” I nod my head before placing a kiss on his cheeks and going away to get the keys of my car.

I drive my way through the damp city road while Jungkook sits on the passenger seat. The road is kinda misty because of the rain that poured in the evening which probably means it could rain in the night too which is a good sign according to me. As much as I love cold, I like the rain too. But apart from being happy from the weather, I am way too much anxious. What if Dad won’t like him or something bad would come up? I am feeling anxious by the distance decreasing to my place. I don’t know what does gonna happen there. I’ m at the verge of crying. Jungkook means a lot to me and I cannot risk anything bad happening now. Not to sound cliché, but I really imagine my future with Jungkook, and tonight’s dinner party is really very, very important.

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