39 Stargazing

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We both decided to leave the meadow just before the time will strike for the dinner assembly since Jungkook doesn’t wants to go back and I love this peaceful environment a lot then to sit inside my bedroom and stare at the balcony. Our hands are tangled together while we lay on the grass staring just ahead to the sky, stargazing just to be precise. It has always been my habit to count the star since I was little even though I am well aware that I can never count them in numbers. I used to stay in my balcony of my house for hours despite the cold I would feel and just drown myself in counting those shiny glittering dots which are thousand times bigger than the globe we live in.

I was so good at stargazing that I would spot few shooting stars here and there. It’s said that they grant wishes and every time, I only had one wish; to watch a shooting star with my lover. I so badly want to see a shooting star right now with Jungkook before we go back to the mansion. To be exact, they are nothing but piece of rock passing by earth in the whole vast universe. But people believe in what they are made to be believed. I don’t know why every time I used to make the same wish when I could’ve asked millions of other things provided the amount of shooting stars I have saw in the past. Maybe it’s because I never had a lover or I always wanted to be loved by someone truly. Deep down in my heart I knew I will not find a true lover, which has proven wrong by now, but I wanted to be loved by someone except my cool mom, overprotective dad and crazy sister.

And right now, looking up at the stars, it is forcing me to recall all the times I used to do this like a dumb idiot with no work left for me to do. My dad used to call me star princes because of it. Even though I have always been a little distant with my family, but I love them the most. Looking up into the sky right now, makes me think if they would also be looking at them and thinking of me. I know that’s practically impossible because mom is always busy in taking down the office work, dad always busy in some or the other investigations and Gracie; even though she might have millions of free time left with her, she will prefer to stay in her room and stan on her favourite boy band or stalk Kim Taehyung.

A smile appears on my lips as I think about it. I just wonder how she will react if I will tell her that I am friends with Taehyung, either she will kill me or ask me to let her meet him. She is a crazy girl; and crazy for her obsession over famous boys. Well I cannot blame her because that’s the age of it and I also remember myself being a hard core fan of One Direction when I was in high school with their big posters on my walls and all. It’s all about time. And the current time, it is so very troublesome.

The fat webo moon is blocking my view making me frown. I want to see just stars and dark sky. Even though how much of a beautiful ball that moon is, I will still prefer the sky to be moonless.

“Jungkook?” the man beside me hums indicating I have his attention. I don’t move my gaze or anything, but just look at the stars while asking him the question that suddenly came into my mind. “What about your family?” a silence follows the question and I don’t dare to look at him. I know he will answer if he wants to or simply stay quiet and I am ready for both of them, but to my surprise, he answers.

“Mom, dad and brother.” Just a small answer even though his voice sounds a bit off, probably exhausted. “They live in Korea.” His voice is hushed and I guess it is a bit soft topic for him.

“Do you visit them?” I am suddenly curious to know about his personal life. I don’t know if he’d open up to me or not, but I am content that he is taking baby steps by opening up about himself.

“I do, but it’s been a while since I have visited them. And they don’t come to me, my parents don’t like to travel much and my brother takes care of the job back home.”

“Hmm.” A short lived silence follows his answer. It’s good to know he has a good family and I wonder how they would be. My thoughts get freeze along with the freezing wind blowing around us making me shiver till my bones. I sigh and grit my teeth before involuntarily dragging me to the source of only warmth around me and that is Jungkook. I swiftly and unknowingly scoot my body closer while hearing the man chuckle and break free our tangled hand to pass it over my head to pull me closer to his shapes.

“If you want we can go back now.” I don’t want to go without watching a damn shooting star falling, and I have my deadline just five minutes before the clock strikes the dining time so that Jin won’t be pissed.

“No, let’s wait for few more minute.” Wow, my voice comes out like stuttering. Jungkook hums and I snuggle to his sides while still fixing my eyes up in the sky. The temperature here in between forests are quite low than that of the city, and even though Jungkook’s body is radiating some heat, but I am not feeling actually warmer. I really need a damn sweater or something like that, but as cheeky and as stupid it could sound, I am feeling good to snuggle into him. It feels romantic, I know, I know that’s fucking stupid, but we never know when our life become lucky to have that one time novelistic kind of scene.

“Do you speak your native language?” His sudden question surprises me.

“Yeah, my mom did a great work of teaching me and my sister Hindi since she always said that the real human is the one who carries his culture with him well."

“What a wise saying.” He comments.

My head rest on his shoulder while his large hand on the other side of my body rubs my shoulder up and down creating warmth over there along with the kind of spark making the heat of my body rise up, not because of the warmth, but because of the sensation his touch is creating. I sigh feeling all overwhelmed and suddenly a bit needy for which I am practically cursing myself.

“You know,” Jungkook’s voice comes out in a whisper, low and heavy tone sending shivers right through my spine making me shudder, and I am sure he felt that. This act just added fuel to my burning fire inside my veins. “I can sense it you’re horny.” Eh? I won’t describe myself as horny right now but whatever, his sentence makes me gulp down a bit loudly to my liking. That’s obvious if he can smell my virginity, he can fucking sense it I am horny or needy.

“I am not.” When will I start to accept the truth?

“Yeah, sure.” He snorts making our bodies jiggle. “You know, you don’t need to hide if you’re horny or not, just tell me, I can do a lot about it.” I can hear the smirk in his voice along with the low and playful tone. Can you believe this is the same guy who was crying just half an hour ago?

“Just shut up and let me watch.” I say with annoyance. His cockiness sometimes annoys me even though he is hundred and one per cent right about everything. He can actually do a lot of thing with me being horny or he being turned on. But I don’t think about sex all the time just like him, and somewhere I read that having sex everyday can be unhealthy. Besides, I am busy counting the stars right now even though my chains have broken for more than one time tonight.

“Watch what?"

“Stars.” I don’t know why but a smile appears on my face as I mention the word ‘stars’. He doesn’t say anything but shifts, and now he is plopping himself on his elbow while turning his body sideways so that he could have a better look at my face. His eyebrows are furrowed even though the corners of his lips are stretched up.

“You have weird obsessions.” His free hand reaches out to stroke my cheek with his knuckles sending tingles down my body. His touch is soft and tender almost catching me off guard. A big grin covers my face while looking up at his dark orbs.

“Yeah, and one of the obsessions is you.” I am being quite blunt these days with him, which is a good sign according to me. The corners of his stretched lips stretch more creating a big grin causing his lips to crack showing those bunny teeth.

“I am you’re obsession?” his question is being followed by a chuckle and I can bet my answer made him very much happy. I bite my lips and nod slowly while I feel the heat rising up my face. “You look beautiful when you blush.” Wait, I wasn’t ready for a compliment. His hand turns upside down and now his thumb is stroking my cheekbone. My heart has started beating wildly and I fear he can hear the rhythm too. “I just want you to blush like this forever and I want to be the reason for it.” Something inside me explodes, and was it joy? An impossibly big grin stretches on my lips and the heat rises even more.

“You already are, Jungkook.” I throw my hands around his neck. He chuckles low and leans down to join our lips creating the explosion to overpower. His lips moves accordingly to mine and there is no dominance or power in it, just sharing of love and pure feelings. My hands ride up to feel his long hair making the man growl just over my lips because of the tight tug I gave. I smile widely into the kiss and almost instantly he slides his tongue between my lips. I kiss him back with almost equal passion and love in me for him.

Long gone is the sweet and sensual kiss, replaced by the hunger that I have been feeling since a while now. Jungkook doesn’t holds back his own urges while he tries to convey me that he is equally needy for me like how I am for him. His hand slides in between my hair letting his fingers tangle around my strands while applying some firm massaging pressure to my scalp. I moan unintentionally feeling my body relax under him. I am feeling dizzy with both feelings; his tongue devouring my mouth and his fingers massaging my scalp. Feeling short of breath, I am the one to pull back from the kiss. My eyes are closed and breathing is raged. His heavy breath is falling on my face that feels warm and smells minty.

Something soft touches my forehead and I sigh realising him kissing my head and breathing out in a whisper fluttering my heart, “I love you.”

I open my eyes as he backs away while looking down at me. I brush his hair back and gaze intently at his face. That’s out of question he loves me or not because the answer is yes he does, but the real question is; how the hell he fell for me? Me, seriously? The look in his eyes is filled with fondness and adoration. With my both hands, I cup his cheeks and I lean forward to peck his lips while saying the same words he said. And while backing away, at the corner of my eyes I see something and as I realise, a big and happy grin stretch on my lips as my eyes widen in surprise.

“Oh my god, Jungkook, look shooting star.” I squeal in happiness and almost instantly his head turns back to look at what I am pointing and I am hundred per cent sure he saw it because there’s not one shooting star, but two. I try to sit up, but there is this bulky man just above me looking backwards up to the sky looking at two shining and glittery ribbons following one another before disappearing by the horizon. The ribbons are gone, but both of us are still looking up at the clear sky now filled with thousands of stars and a big moon which is currently above us. From what I can see, the edges of his cheeks are lifted up and my instincts become clear as he turn his face back to look at me with big grin and crinkled eyes.

“Another obsession?” he asks out of blue and I nod my head while giggling.

“Yeah.” There is a content feeling inside my heart, feeling happy as a kid in candy store.

“Did you make a wish or what?” He asks with that smile plastered on his lips. I shake my head and his grin fades a little but still there is a trace of happiness on his lips. “I thought you were the one among those who believed in them.” His one brow rises up making me giggle.

“I never believed in them, but that turned out to be true.”

“How?” he leans closer to press a kiss on my lips once again.

“I always wished for one thing since I was kid whenever I would watch a shooting star falling,” he is hearing to me very carefully, “to watch a star falling with my lover.” I whisper out. He doesn’t say anything but looks at me with a lost look, a look stating he is in a deep thought. His fingers retrieve themselves from my hair and cup my cheek while leaning closer to join our lips once again. I let myself get lost in the kiss along with the feeling which is making me feel content and why I wouldn’t be when I got my wish granted just now?

So basically, I was getting bored so I updated lots of chapters!!

Hope you like it!! 😚💜

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