26 Can't You See How Much I Want You?

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"Good because the real punishment is waiting for you, my dear." I gawk at him before blinking few times to let his words sink in. What does he mean by real punishment, and for what reason I am getting one? I literally feel the heat rising up my body hearing due to the faint amount of anger inside me. I keep both of my palm on his rock hard chest to push him so that there can be an elegant distance made between us. I can see he is a bit taken aback my action and was about to speak something before I start to spill out.

"Why am I getting a punishment at the very first place?" I am trying to sound like I am angry but these words comes out of my mouth as whine.

"Because I said so." he answers bluntly. I stare at him in disbelief and think if he is for real or what.

"No, I am not taking any punishment." I cross both of my arms over chest while I narrow my eyes at him who is in deep thoughts as if he is evaluating everything.

"But everything was fine till now." He answers softly while taking slow strides towards me, and for god's sake he is naked. Have some shame, which he probably don't have.

"I know, but this punishment part is too much." I stare at him in the eye and see the dilations fading away, turning his orbs into softest form.

"Baby, I know you're scared of pain," he cups both of my cheeks with his large hands to stare me deep down into my soul, "but trust me, I will never hurt you, not in a bad way." I lean into his touch and think deeply about what he is saying. I know he will never hurt me to actually hurt me. I don't know from where I got this much of trust on him, but I do trust him, it's like that small part of my heart that has always been number one in telling me to stay away from him is screaming again to just stay away because he will hurt me, not physically, but, I don't know how to put that up. I look back into his eyes to see desperation in them.

"Jungkook, I know you will not hurt me, but I don't know if it is right." I answer him honestly. He sighs deeply before speaking to me.

"First thing first, I will never ask you to do something you don't wanna do. And secondly, as I said before, I only seek for consent. Baby if you won't give me your consent, I will never tend to hurt you even it is for pleasure." I nod my head and he lean closer to press a kiss on my forehead. "I guess we'll wrap it up here." He sighs and turn to move away, but I hold onto his wrist making him turn back to give me a questioning look.

"I didn't tell you to stop." Now I feel like I am whining.

"What do you wanna do then?" he asks as a small ghost of smile lingers on his lips. I shrug my shoulders before answering.

"I don't know. Make me feel comfortable around you then if I feel comfortable enough to rely on you, then you can have me by your way." I watch him looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, I guess he is letting my words sink in his system, and when he speaks again, and I hear nothing but vulnerability in his voice.

"You really don't have to do this for me." Hearing this, I cross my arms against my chest again like before while I smirk on him.

"Can't you see how much I want you?" as if my answer made him snap, his eyes turns back to dilated form once again and come close to me.

"You know how to snap me." He says while closing the distance between us. His both hands grope my butt to give them a tight squeeze making me gasp as our bodies stick together for the second time tonight. His member presses firmly on my hip this time more precisely since he is naked. Instinctively, I grab his shoulders and wrap my legs around his naked torso. His lips press on mine while I feel him walking towards where I guess is the bed. His teeth tug on my bottom lip making me shudder and soon, his tongue is inside my mouth devouring me like there is no tomorrow. I breathe out a shaky and muffled moan while our tongues swirl together and his hands give both of my cheeks another tight squeeze. I feel the phone on my back pocket slipping, not that I care about it.

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