14 Twins

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As we fly over the giant forest, in a few distance I see silhouette of a house kind of thing. As we fly nearer to the place, the figure becomes more clear and I make out a house out of it. And the more near we fly, the more big it looks. It's not a house, its a big castle kind of thing. How can a person owns this big shit that too in the middle of nowhere? I gawk at the place and out of discomfort, watching the house by rolling my head back, I groan and straighten my neck. Jungkook chuckles at my idiotism and all I do is roll my eyes at him and rest my chin on his crook. We come inside the proximity of the place and now the surrounding is clear. I haven't seen the place before from outside and when I see it now, I cannot help but feel privileged to stay in here.

Precisely, Jungkook lands on the floor of balcony of room in which I am staying. I let go of him and stand on my feet which feel kinda weird after flying in the air like a bird for at least an hour. The wings has been disappeared by now and we stand over here awkwardly in silence. The only sound is the morning music of birds chirping and winds blowing. I look at the tall and masculine, still shirtless, man in front of me only to realize he is staring at me with a blank expression. I wanted to break this awkwardness so I think about thanking him.

"Thank you." He raise one brow at me and I clear my throat before speaking again. "For erm, showing me your wings." I say awkwardly to him. He walk towards me and stand inches apart. His one hand comes up and cup my cheeks while stroking the skin with his thumb. The warmth of his hand makes me lean onto the touch.

"Your welcome." It's a simple comment, yet I feel weak on my knees when it comes out of his mouth. He inches closer to me and all I feel is something stirring inside my stomach. I gulp and wait for something to happen, and considering that I have given my consent to him already, I expect him to make a move because I don't know what the hell to do. As if understanding my vain, Jungkook let his lips hover over mine. I purse my lips out of nervousness and feel my tongue touch his lips in the process.

"You look tired, you should sleep." His voice is very low and deep. I stare into the pitch black eyes of his only to see mixed emotions in them, just like his brain is messing up with a big storm inside.

"Yeah, I guess." Even though the morning has taken charge, but i haven't slept soundly the whole night. My body feels tired and brain too. All I need now is a good two to three hours sleep. Jungkook hums and peck my lips taking me by surprise. What's with those cheesy cute little pecks. I have been kissed by guys before, but no one were this good like Jungkook. He likes to take the charge of it and secretly I find myself liking it. With another kiss on my forehead, he walks out of the balcony and room leaving me dumbfounded and confused. I guess this was the end of my night so of my brain cause it's gonna shut off very soon. Without caring for my clothes and anything, I slump on the big and luxurious bed, so luxurious that just a closing of eyes, I land on dream paradise.

My eyes open up with few blinks and I am greeted by a bright surrounding. With a yawn, I pull myself up and sit with the help of headboard of bed. As I look forward, my heart jumps out of my body and feel like I just had a biggest heart attack of my life.

"Holy shit!" I breathe clutching my chest tightly to calm the beating of my heart. "You gave me a heart attack Hoseok." He sits on the couch in front of the bed with nothing but a grim expression like an obsessed creep. Hearing me a smile appears on his lips but not too wide.

"I told you to call me Hobi." He says wiping the dirt off of his watch and then staring at me with a strange expression. He is dressed in all black which is making him look both hot and scary. There is still a smile on his face but I cannot figure out its a soft or sinister.

"Okay, Hobi. What are you in this room?" I honestly don't like his company, but I even don't see any harm in his look.

"I came here to apologize." His smile is whipped and all he have is his serious look.

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