64 Superior

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*Author’s POV*

“Jungkook, you’re home?” Y/n’s voice chimes throughout the living room as his chest get inflated with the fresh air sending him the pleasure of both relief and anxiety. His dead eyes travels to where he could see the woman’s head peeping out from the back of the red brick designed pillar of the kitchen island flashing a magnificent smile.

“Y/n?” the name slips easily from his mouth as he makes sure if he is hallucinating. He could smell her expensive perfume that she daily wears, one of her Michael Kores’s fragrance, hell he could smell the delicious fragrance of the grilling beef steak and he can hear her calling him with that magnificent smile which could be the death of his.

“Who else it would be?” she asks with sarcasm and goes back to finish the dressing sauce for the steak. She on the other hand is trying very hard to act normal, pretending as if everything is good.

Jungkook, being confused, he drops his blazer on the floor and drag his feet to the kitchen where Y/n is preparing the dinner for two. He says nothing, but slams his hands on the kitchen island which trembles because of the intensity with which he slammed it. Y/n neither reacts nor flinches, but just shows the grin of adoration making Jungkook even more anxious.

He notices that his woman seems a bit leaner than before. Her face is now less full, her knuckles are sharper and the watch she wears slips below the wrist. Hell even her dress hang a bit loosely on her body which used to be plumper until four days back. She was starving herself. The words ring is his ears like hitting a bell. He knew she was suffering, he knew the best, but he wasn’t there with her twenty four seven to see if she was eating or not.

Even though her skin looks fresh like she just came out of the beauty salon to him, which she definitely been to, but he could see the dullness in them. He notices the blonde highlights she got herself at the edges of her long black hair just like his and the nails perfectly painted in lightest of the light blue with proper manicured sleekness.

“Why are you here?” he tries to sound rude, but all it comes out in a whisper as he watches every little move the tiny woman makes.

“Because I missed you?” she answers with so much of playfulness, yet never removes the grin which is starting to creeps Jungkook out. “Oh,” she points to the blazer lying on the floor, “and dump your dirty clothes in laundry.”

He simply nods his head and walks back to the living room, picks up the cloth and giving one last look towards Y/n being busy in the kitchen and walks inside the bedroom. He is now starting to really feel the anxiety building inside him since he spots the picture frame back in its position by the nightstand with different designed frame. He immediately sits on the bed and takes out the calling device. Instantly dialling the number of his hyung, he runs his hand through his hair.

As Jimin receives the call from the younger, he instantly grins broadly and picks up the call. “Hello?”

“Hyung what the hell is going on?” The younger asks with fury right in his voice. Being in such a long distance, Jimin cannot read the latter’s mind, but he is sure of what he might be thinking.

“I told you, if you’re not telling her, I will tell her.” The elder says in a small voice with innocence while playing with the bud of cigarette in his hand as he sits by the fireplace of his giant house.

“Why is she acting as if everything is okay?” he whines out in frustration.

Jungkook, if someone is willing to make everything right, then let her make it right. She knows what she is doing.” With that said; Jimin hangs up the call and plays old Korean songs that he used to listen when he was kid while he waits for the woman he started seeing not long ago to show up.

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