WITH A CONFUSED HEART AND mind, I press the doorbell and wait for it to open while I shift my wait from one leg to another. Why I am feeling nervous when all I got to do is to just hand this piece of jerk this stupid file and I have to stomp my way back to home. This is so frustrating that I cannot even stand straight thinking about him. Not to forget about the headache I am having because of the vigorous work I have done today. And after all the torture and ragging kind of work pull, if I won't get a fucking job in Crystal Company, then I swear to God I-
The door clicks open and I gasp, putting an end to my wrathful thoughts. The door flies open and my breathing stop. I keep my gaze low, and see house slippers sighting few feets away from my Hawaii sliders. A throat clearing voice make me snap my head up to meet my favourite pair of pitch black eyes. Wait... Favourite?
"Come inside." Jungkook say in a low tone, stepping sideways for me to come in. Why he is calling me in when I just have to hand this file to him and walk back. "I am caught up in other work. I need your help."
"Oh." Now this clears my doubts. I nod my head and step in with a heavy heart.
I step further in and Jungkook give me a pair of house slippers to wear. Complying to him, I wear them and follow him inside the living room. The setting and structure of the apartment is similar to that of mine, but the difference is the amount of articles and show pieces displayed around. The living room looks expensive and to my surprise neat for any bachelor man.
The coffee table surrounded by couches and sofas is filled with files and papers around Mac book. I look sideways and see a very worn out look on Jungkook's face.
"I have to sort out these files and entry the one which you have." I stare at his eyes and feel lost again. And now like a sharp slap I realize that he's been doing work in home also after working for nine hours non stop, just like me. He has not been torturing me, but was trying to solve issues and work in a distributed manner. And all I wonder is when I wasn't there, he didn't hire anyone to work under him, which means he used to do them all. Maybe he is one hell of a playboy, but the amount of determination inside him is far beyond his character and I'm loving it. I blink rapidly before opening my mouth to speak in a small voice.
"What do you want me to do?" He stare at me for a brief moment before flicking his gaze on the file in my hands.
"Would you entry the file in my computer?" He asked me nicely? Jeon Jungkook is asking me to do work nicely? Am I dreaming?
"Sure." I say and he nods his head. Jungkook ask me to follow him and while he walk through the house with laptop in his hands and few files.
I follow him and stare at his back. He is wearing a black sweatpants and a grey t-shirt. My eyes land on those of his ass which looks sexy. Wait... Am I checking him out? Well who wouldn't when you have a sexy Greek God in front of me and shaking his booty like any gymnast dancer. I think I am generating a soft spot for his thick thighs and sexy ass which is even better than mine.
Jungkook opens up a door to a room which looks like his office room, well it is. There is a big work table on which another laptop is kept. There are even many shelves on which documents and books are kept and moreover, many trophies and appreciation letters with frames. He is very good at showcasing his talent.
"You can use that system." He points out at the laptop kept on the large working table. I nod at him and walk towards it before making myself sit on the revolving chair, while Jungkook sit across me on the guest chair which is making it look a bit awkward.
I look at him in a questioning look only to find him already dived into his computer. With a brief glance at his beautiful features, I also put my concentration on the work given. Meanwhile, when I am working, I would peek at the person sitting in front of me to see him having a serious look on his face and sometimes, I would catch him staring at me which would make me go red and a smirk to appear on his face.

Trouble © J.JK 🔞
Fanfiction"Even though you are so much of an angel, there is always a part inside you that's wanna be wrapped up around my sin, my love. You will be my sinner forever and you will beg me to make you one." "He was right. There's no escape. I fell in love with...