Trouble, trouble, trouble… trouble everywhere. My life is in trouble, I am in trouble and the whole world is in trouble. Not that the whole company is going broke, but I guess we’re going to lose some of the dollars from company’s bank account, the amount which could practically make Jungkook blind with fury. One of the former actors; whose story was about to be published as the cover of February issue unknowingly backed away from attending our interview. He cannot back away in such a short notice, I meant it is January twenty-twenty and the issue must release at the start of the February. Jungkook would be so pissed.
As I am stressing on the hot subject, a knock on my door erupts and even without letting me answer, the person opens the door wide. Only Jimin barges in like this and right on my suspicion, a grave and stressed looking Jimin enters in my office wearing navy blue suit. He is biting his nails and with worry he looks at me while taking the seat in front of me.
“I guess you got the news already.” I say as I set the report file on the table. He sighs deeply and nods his head.
“Yeah,” he speaks in a small voice, “Jungkook is going to kill him.”
“I have the idea already too.” A small pause of silence fills in between us. I guess he is thinking about the alternatives. “What are you planning to do now?”
“We need to tell him first even though he is going to burst out like anything.” I nod my head while biting on my lower lip as I hear him continue. “I will work on dragging that jerk under a lawsuit. According to the contract, he must pay the desired amount under company’s name.”
“And about next month’s issue?”
“I will ask Donna to search for any famous model or something.” He stands up from the seat ready to leave, but halfway he turns back. “Um, I need you to do me the favour.”
“I know you are busy right now, but would you mind telling Jungkook about it, I am heading to the law section?” he sends me an apologetic smile.
“No worries, I’ll do it.” With that, he exits the cabin and I close the shattered files around myself.
Firstly I need to submit few documents over Elena’s desk. It’s been quite a while since she showed up and yeah, I was right about not judging the people according to their clothes, she is a cool woman. I don’t see her most of the times, but when I do, all we do is smile and laugh together. She works as Jungkook’s designing team, under Donna’s supervision. Sometimes Donna said that she and Kevin had a thing going on, but didn’t mention how far it went, and also said that Elena is really good.
I walk inside the Designing Section and almost everyone greets me with a warm smile. Kevin from the corner most of the room waves his hand at me and I do the same. I find Elena’s cubicle empty, she must be somewhere around. I shrug my shoulders and drop the file over her desk.
As I am about to turn around, I Donna stops me with nothing but frustration written all over her face. She must be among those important employees who have the news with them.
“I found few of the models, but I cannot point for anyone.” She mumbles with nothing but frustration.
“Try with the one who has recently received any award or something.” I advise and watch her nod her head.
“I wish we could issue Taehyung for this one too.” She grins a dreamy grin while we walk out of the office room filled with busy minds.
“Yeah,” I snort.
“I knew he must have some effect on the crowd, we made the new hit with his help.”
“After all, it’s Kim Taehyung.” She enthusiastically nods her head. “Oh, by the way, do you know where Elena is?”

Trouble © J.JK 🔞
Fanfiction"Even though you are so much of an angel, there is always a part inside you that's wanna be wrapped up around my sin, my love. You will be my sinner forever and you will beg me to make you one." "He was right. There's no escape. I fell in love with...