63 F.I.R. (Friend In Rescue)

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Dad drags me down the stairs as I manage not to trip on my frail and weak legs. He says I have a company and why I have a feeling that I already know who the guest could be. There is only one person in the whole coven who knows everything, every said and unsaid thing. He is a secret keeper and also my life saviour. And just like my suspicion landing correct, I find Jimin sitting by the kitchen island with my mother serving him the lunch.

As if sensing my presence, his eyes travels up from my mother to me as I descend down the stairs. Thank god I made myself look presentable. Jimin smiles at me widely making his soft eyes disappear completely.

“Hey Y/n.” he stands up from his seat and walks towards me and embraces me in a tight hug. He is wearing formal clothes; I guess he just ditched the company for the noon break. Jimin’s warm embrace melts me almost instantly and I feel the sense of comfort spreading out to my whole being. I didn’t felt comfort in these few days which felt like almost three years.

“Hey Jimin.” I mumble softly. He breaks the hug and holds me by my shoulders. His face doesn’t shows any remorse or sadness to see me instead he looks relieved, relieved to be alive? He instantly snickers at my thought.

“Of course I am.” As always he answers my unvoiced question. “It’s good to see you on your two.” He jokes pointing at my fine legs covered in large black sweatpants.

“Well, what else you expected?” and I guess for the first time in days I feel myself smiling. It’s said that having a friend at the time of crisis is all you could ask for and I really am glad that he is here.

“I was expecting you to be on bed and sleeping like a bag of potato.” He comments sarcastically receiving a glare from me.

“Are you telling me I am fat?” I ask with equal amount of sarcasm, hiding the fact that I am actually offended.

“No, I am telling that you are thick.” Fine, I know I have stopped going to the gym since I left the college and of course I have been eating good and tasty food for months, but I never got the chance to examine my figure, and I think I am going to do that when he leaves. And right now, I haven't eaten for four fucking days straight and I feel my limbs made of air.

“I swear to god I will kick you out of my house Park Jimin.” I raise my voice after sitting on the kitchen bar stool alongside with him. Hearing my annoyed tone, he starts to laugh instantly lighting up my whole mood.

“You should know thick means sexy in different terms.” He says shrugging his shoulders and drinking the orange juice mother provided both of us not long ago. My parents say nothing but smile at our little interaction as we bicker on our own.

I try to savour each and every taste that mingles in my mouth. It’s be days since I had Mom’s home cooked meals and her speciality in Indian dishes always makes me cheat on my dieting pacts. The woman is gifted with fine hands. I have tried thousand times to create her dishes, but fail like a lost pig.

I eat like a real potato that Jimin mentioned earlier while he does the same thing. He stuffs almost everything in his mouth that comes in contact with his hands and I fear if he would choke himself to death. I am glad Gracie is not here now since she must be in school by now, otherwise I won’t be able to eat everything sine she snatches everything away from me. One thing is sure, my family is born eater.

“Slow down kids.” My mother’s words enter to one ear and diligently pass from the other, and I guess same goes for Jimin.

This situation is kind of stupid and actually doesn’t make sense, but that’s not the case right now. I think I need to pamper myself after all the shit I have been through. And so Jimin decides to treat me to the salon. I quickly change myself into multi-layered clothes to keep myself warm as Jimin waits for me downstairs.

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