The Hot Jerk Falls For The Hot Nobody 3

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Chapter 3


The next day was both better and worse.

It was better because students were already flooding in, and it gave Juliette a convenient cover to hide herself from Skye at all costs.

It was worse because she can’t get Skye off her mind.

She was truly shocked that night. She wasn’t meaning anything else when she pointed out her own and Skye’s differences, but somehow, it got all twisted and Skye ended up attacking her and giving her very first kiss.

Truth be told, she has never been kissed and never been touched by any guy, even in her former school. Heck, she never even had a boyfriend. And to make things worse, she had to receive her very first kiss from someone she barely knew who happened to be both the number one popular jock in school and the number one jackass of a jerk she had ever knew.

She was having, all in all, a very bad day, and lunch just made it worse.

Juliette, Alex, Claire, Jenny and the others were eating and talking when Bryan spoke in his rapper tone.

“Yo, yo, yo, check it out,” Bryan hollered. “Skye’s eyein’ Juliette out!”

Juliette’s head turned to where Skye is, and the moment their eyes met, Skye turned around and was suddenly busy with his own food.

“Jerk,” Juliette muttered under her breath.

“Juliette, what’s wrong?” Jenny asked, looking concerned.

“Yeah, you seem kinda off,” Claire agreed with Jenny.

“What? Oh, it’s nothing,” Juliette said, trying to get out of the groups concerned gazes. “I’m not just in the mood to eat,” which was true, as she hadn’t touched her garden salad.

“Does your stomach hurt?” Alex asked.

“No, not really,” Juliette said as she stood up. “I think I’ll just go back to my dorm.”

She didn’t really want to go back to the dorm, as she still didn’t want to go back to that awful night. Rethinking of her plan, she decided to wander around the school.

The school was very big, and had many places to hang out. The school was mostly composed of small and large buildings, the large buildings mostly dorms and offices and libraries, and the small ones are the classrooms. On most parts, there were some tables and benches, and it provided a good place to spend alone.

It was on these benches that Juliette sat and immersed herself in the silence. She wanted so much to forget what happened last night, but… the feel of Skye’s lips… and his minty fresh breath…

She topped the thought dead. Don’t think about it! She scolded herself mentally.

“Feeling okay already?” someone asked behind her. She turned to see Alex walking up to her. He sat beside her and offered his hand. Juliette took it and Alex began rubbing it gently.

“It’s Skye, isn’t it?” Alex asked without looking at her.

“How did you know that?” Juliette asked, intrigued by how correctly Alex guessed what’s bugging her.

“Well, I kinda heard you mutter jerk under your breath when you broke eye contact with him,” Alex pointed out with a smile for her.

“Oh, I thought I was being discreet,” Juliette said, blushing.

“Don’t worry about it,” Alex said. “Skye… he’s a really good guy, but…” Alex’s face seemed to turn hard at the last word.

“What?” Juliette asked, her face that of curiosity.

Alex suddenly laughed it off.

“It’s a topic I’m still touchy about,” Alex said with a wink. “Let’s just say I’m his best friend before he took something away from me that I can’t easily forgive.”

Alex had nothing more to say, so Juliette decided to change the topic.

“You say Skye is a good guy… how so?” she asked. She finds it quite hard to believe.

“When you got to see it, he really cares for his friends, no matter how bad or how good they are,” Alex replied. “He always makes anyone feel that they are part of this school, and nothing else. Whenever he finds even one of his friends hurt or in pain for some reason, he goes out of his way just to make them feel better. That’s why he became the number one popular guy in this school.”

“So that was why…” Juliette mused.

“What is it?” Alex asked.

“He was waiting for me at lunch,” Juliette replied, smiling suddenly at the memory, despite what happened after. “But he forgot to save a seat for lunch and cheerleaders had taken every seat around him,” she added on smugly.

“See?” Alex said with implications.

“I guess I need to talk to him and make up with him,” Juliette said as she stood up. “It seems that I had said some… things that hurt him somehow,” she said with slight guilt.

“Good luck with that,” Alex said encouragingly. “Feeling better now?”

Juliette nodded. “Yeah, thanks,” she said. “See you at dinner!”

She headed back to her dorm to say sorry to Skye, but when she opened the door, she was shocked to see Skye half naked with her girlfriend in bed with him.

“I’m so sorry,” she hurriedly apologized and closed the door immediately.

Damn was she so stupid. She shouldn’t have thought of forgiving him in the first place. He a jerk through and through.

“Juliette!” She heard Skye calling her. “Juliette, wait!”

She tuned with a furious face for him.

“Why? Why would I have to talk with you?!” She spat. “The first thing you did to me was attack me and attempt to screw me, then I felt guilty for it and I thought I did something wrong. And then, I find you screwing your GIRLFRIEND!”

“Juliette, I’m sorry for that, but—”

“But what?” Juliette’s tone was scathing and burning like acid. “You’re sorry that I found out you’re a whore too? Well, thanks, but your apology is not accepted.”

Juliette stormed off without any place to go to in particular, leaving Skye just standing there looking stupid and humiliated.

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