Yes He was My Friend- JB Love Story

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  • Dedicated to Emma Hoyt

Chapter 1: Thank God For Friends could I put it in one word, I would have to say useless or boring, but thats what any person would say. In my mind the way I would describe it would be, danger or hellhole.

Bang! My locker shut. My all time best friend smirked. “Hey Snoopy.” Maddie had on her bright blue skinny jeans, which matched the blue streaks that ran through her bleach blonde hair. She cut it in a bob just last week.

“Hey Doc” We have the strangest nicknames. Maddie and me decided to go with our favorite T.V. shows or movies when we were kids. Maddie’s was Snow white and the seven dwarfs, Which is not her favorite now, but it was before...somehow. I call her Doc because he was the smart aleck of the group, which really suits her.

Mine unfortunately was Charley Brown. So my friends call me Snoopy because they say I seem very quiet, brave and out going, with a hint of laziness. Well, maybe a little more than a hint.

“Did you finish that math assignment.” I opened my locker and pulled out my chunky math book. Opening the cover and pulling out a piece of graph paper, holding it to her face.

“Yup all you had to do is finish one problem. Did you even look at it.” She giggle and looked down at her feet. “Malcolm's parents were out yesterday and so we made out on his couch.” Malcolm is Maddie’s perfect boyfriend they have been going out since 6th grade. They are so gooey and gross with there tongues down each others throats.

The bell rang and I grabbed my science book, “Race you to class.” Maddie was already gone. I smiled and sprinted for it.

“Cheater!” I yelled down the hall.

“I know.” She laughed, as she disappeared around the corner.

Green peas, nachos-fake cheese -, apple sauce and milk...gross. I walk over to the trash and dump it all in. Can’t they at least make lunch that sounds good when said all together.

I walked over to the empty lunch table. When is Maddie going to get here, her math class should be over. I unzipped and reached into my backpack. Fumbling around a bit, pulling out a sketch book and #2 pencil.

Flipping through the used pages, I have drawings of Maddie, Malcolm, Spiderman and the Green Goblin. Yes, I love cartoons, superheroes, I’ve been obsessed with superheroes since I was five and have been for the past ten years. I used to collect action figures and would tear the heads off barbies and the my little ponies I got for Christmas.

Now I just draw them. Right now I’m drawing Spiderman kicking the green goblin off the roof. So far I have the building and thats it. Head-shoulders-shade-neck-shade- biceps-fingers-abs-shade-quads-knee-feet-shade-shade-sketch-sketch. The lines of spiderman are done. I love to sketch and Draw.

As a fifteen year old with chestnut hair, black nail polish, dark jeans and bright blue converse, I’m not the popular one in school. You could say my school is not a normal school. We have our own special talents. Thats how we all got in this insane school. For example me I got in because of my drawing and writing skills. For Maddie she got in because of her extra brain - per say - she can do anything by just thinking. She has a calculator stuck in her head and has a spell-check inside there, too.

To be popular you have to have a talent like having the skills of being a good ballerina or a singer. They use our skills to put use in certain class. I’m in the writhing, drawing and sculpting classes. With the occasional Science, Math, Language Arts and PE.

“Drawing superman again. What a joke, is that all you know how to draw.” Lindsay - The head popular freak - wore her leotard everyday and some-sort of pants over. She is also the head cheerleader. No surprise.

“Its spiderman and no its not. Its just what I like to draw. Not like you could do any better.” Lindsay laughed as Aaron came behind her. He is the tall jock of the school. His talent is sports. He plays football and soccer. I’ve never gone to any of there games, but I hear they are good. The only time I watch football or soccer is when its on TV or when I get tickets to a real game. Not a cheesy high school game. I’m just amazed Lindsay and Him are not going out, they seem perfect for each other, but I guess not. Lindsay is single because she broke up with her last boyfriend last week.

Don’t get me wrong I love sports and watching them play, but I just hate watching the people from my school, who think I’m a freak playing.

“Who wants to draw kiddy cartoons anyway. Oh wait I guess there is one person. Well, one freak.” She smiled lifted her milk up and turned it over. The white milk spread all over the table and on my sketch book.

You can say I’m shy, you say I don’t care about much, but when it comes to my sketch book. That can release the beast in me.

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