Chapter 12

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For the next three days, nothing really happened except Darry pacing around the house worried about Pony, and Daniella following him to try and calm him down. Two-bit and I just kept getting closer, and Steve won't shut up about Samantha. Four days passed after my nightmare, and Dallas came over and pulled me outside to talk. 

"Hey Dallas. How's everything going?" I asked him. 

"It has seemed to calm down, so I am heading up to Windrixville to see the boys. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" he asked back. 

"No, i'm okay. Hug before you go?" 

"Of course Soph." 

He hugged me quickly, but I missed him so much that I didn't want to let him go. Some people say how much they hate their siblings, but I loved mine. Dally was one of the best siblings I could ask for even though he didn't seem like it. If I didn't have him, I would probably getting the fuck beat out of me, or I would be sitting on the side of the road. I let go of him and watched him walk back to his red t-bird. 

"Is that your car?" I yell to Dally. 

"You think I have enough money to have a car like this?" He yells back. 

"Well I guess not. Who's car is it then?" 

"Buck's," He yells, hops in, and rides away. As he rides away, I wave to him, and he waves back out the window. I walk inside and to my room. Two-bit follows me and walks into my room.

~Time skip~

"What happened in here?" She asks. 

"Nothing. Just drawing," I reply back.

"Okay, sure. By the way, Steve and I are going to the Dingo right now to get food and drinks. We wanted to know if you and Two-bit wanted to come with us?" 

"You'll have to ask him, but i'm okay with it." 

"Okay. I'll go ask him." 

She walks out while I continue my drawing of Keith. I get almost done with his legs when he runs through my door. He honestly looked scared. 

"Johnny, Pony, and Dally were just sent to the hospital!" He says. I jump off the bed and sprint out into the living room. Darry was already in the car, and Soda was putting his shoes on. I speed walk out the door to Darry's car. I knock on the window, and he rolls it down for me. 

"I know what you're going to ask. Just get in the car." 

I nod and jump in the back seat. Once Soda gets in the front seat, we ride to the hospital. I thought we were going to crash since we were going so fast. He parked quickly, and we all took off inside. Darry asked the nurse where Pony, Johnny, and Dally were located. The nurse told him room 203 and room 202, and we headed to the elevators. Soda hit the buttons to go to floor two where the rooms were. The nurses refused to let us see Johnny, but I was able to get into Dally's room. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked him as I walked to the side of his bed. 

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