22: Her

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I was shocked when I realized that the noise coming from my phone was Danny. I can't say if it was actually ringing or just vibrating but something about that call woke me up even though I easily slept through others. When I saw his face on the screen I had to read the name more than once before I was certain that it was really Danny calling me. This was it, I thought. God was answering my prayers. I was being given another shot at making the man I loved happy and I wasn't going to waste it.
I was so wrong. Immediately he was telling me to wake up. His tone was harsh in a way I'd never heard it sound before. There was something cruel in Danny that night.
He grilled me on my conversation with his little sister. Grilled me on the details of my possible pregnancy. Grilled me on the details of the boy who had kissed me yet again. He told me over and over how angry he was.
It all felt so wrong. I was the one who was going through the possibility of pregnancy alone. I was the one who would have to decide what to do about having the child. I was the one who would carry it. The one who'd have to decide to keep it or give it up. It was all on me. I was alone in all of this.
I don't think Danny thought that night about me being pregnant on my 21st birthday. I don't think he considered trying to finish my senior year of college with a human growing inside me. I definitely don't think my grad school applications crossed his mind. My life as I'd known it would be over.
I knew all of this before the phone call but after Danny's demands for information I felt even more alone than I had before. I knew in that one hour that the man I loved, who had once loved me, was gone.

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