Introduction & Author's Note

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This story is inspired by Lifehouse's Falling In. It's quite a lovely song and I couldn't stop listening to it when I first heard it.  I'll link it in the header if anybody wants to listen to it before they start reading.

I'm very proud of this story as I've worked very hard to keep it as close to the canon timelines as I could. Even if the book is marked "Completed" I will still be editing it when I can to fix up the POVs and make the characters more, for lack of a better term, in character.

I have provided a timeline of the events of this story at the end with a little walkthrough of my thought process while putting it together. I would appreciate any comments/constructive criticism as I am always looking for ways I can improve. 

Also huge thanks to @regeli07012306 for making sure I was on track early on and encouraging me to finish this story.  Their imagines are very good so if you haven't, go check them out. 

This started out as a short little imagine but it just spiraled out of control and I'm very glad it did.  I hope you enjoy and without further ado, Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love.

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love (Klaus Hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now