Chapter 6

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Today was finally the day, (Y/N) was going to go back to her apartment.  She had been excited about this ever since she left the hospital.  Jake's apartment was great and all, but the sooner she could live on her own again, the sooner she could return to work; she missed the Nine-Nine dearly.  Jake and Amy would come home and tell her all about their days, and it made that urge to go back even stronger. 

Jake supported her as she clambered down the hall on wobbly legs with her cane.  She had graduated from the wheelchair and was now working on strengthening her leg muscles again.  They made it to the elevator and she heaved a sigh of relief. 

"I told you, you weren't ready for the cane!" Jake scolded.

(Y/N) took a moment to catch her breath.  "Yeah well, the doctors thought I was."

"That's because you lied to them!" Jake declared.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes.  "Yeah yeah yeah, that's just a small detail.  Plus the sooner I'm able to walk the sooner I can come back!"

The elevator door opened on the ground level, and (Y/N) rushed out before Jake could say anything else.  She grimaced through the searing burn traveling up her legs but kept going.  She was the best in her class at the police academy after all; pushing through pain was like second nature to her.  When she got to Jake's car she almost collapsed into the seat but played it off as dramatic effect.

"(Y/N), I'm your brother, well half-brother, but nobody cares about specifics, it's my job to worry about you."

"That's sweet of you, but you don't have to, I'm fine," she insisted.  "Now let's get going!"

Jake turned the key and the car sputtered to life.  He hit the accelerator, and it lurched forward, wobbling along the road through the New York traffic.  Twenty minutes later, they were sitting outside (Y/N)'s apartment building. 

"Home sweet home," she said, gazing up at the brick masonry.  She turned to Jake, "Thanks for everything Jakey.  Seriously, you know me so well.  There's no other way I would've rather spent my first day out of the hospital than eating sour candy and having an action movie marathon with you." 

"Well duh, who wouldn't love that?"

All of a sudden a knocking sound drew their attention to the passenger side window.  There stood Klaus, bent over at the waist peering into the car.  "I guess that's my cue," (Y/N) chuckled, leaning over to give Jake a quick hug.

"Be careful, don't do anything stupid," Jake replied kissing her cheek.

"How could I?  You're taking all the stupid with you.  Mark my words Peralta, I'll be back kicking your ass in no time," the girl smirked before opening her door and clumsily pulling herself onto the sidewalk.  She turned around to wave Jake goodbye before she felt a hand on her shoulder.  (Y/N) leaned into it and let Klaus guide her into the building and up to her home, too drained to resist.  When she got through the threshold, she collapsed on the couch.

"You and Jakey would love each other.  You guys should hang out!" (Y/N) suggested, beaming at her brilliant idea.

"Well if you really think so," Klaus stated.

(Y/N) nodded her head vigorously with a loopy grin on her face.  "We should all go to Sky Zone sometime!"

"I have a surprise for you," Klaus changed the subject, walking over to the couch.  (Y/N) groaned as she was pulled up again.  Klaus walked her over to her bathroom.  The door was slightly ajar, and she could detect a hint of lavender in the air.

"Stay right there," Klaus instructed before he slipped through the slim opening so she couldn't see what was inside.  After about a minute he re-emerged and slid open the door revealing a mountain of bubbles sitting in the tub with candles all around the bathroom.

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love (Klaus Hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now