Chapter 8

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Klaus peered at (Y/N) blankly with tear and eyeliner stains on his cheeks. She looked blissful. Her lips were slightly curved upwards, her hair a halo framing her head, and her hands wrapped around his like she was cuddling a stuffed animal. His mind drifted to the time, a couple of months ago, that he had found her standing precariously on the edge of their apartment building roof. She was slouched, gazing out across the city skyline as cars honked and sped by below.

"(Y/N/N)?" Klaus called out tentatively, inching forward.

She didn't show any sign of hearing him as the sound of sirens started to blare somewhere across the city.  She inched forward on the ledge so the balls of her feet hung out over the busy streets below.  Klaus started sprinting, calling her name with a panicky voice.  When he was within arm's length, he reached out and grabbed her arm, yanking her back into his chest and wrapping his arms around her as he toppled to the floor. 

A soft breeze blew past, and a few drops of rain splattered on the roof.  All Klaus could hear was his ragged breathing as he tried to steady himself from the scare.  He felt a trembling in his arms and wrapped them tighter, closing his eyes with a sigh of relief.  There was a steady drizzle now despite the sun's prominent presence in the sky.

A meek voice sounded.  "I'm sorry," it said.

"N-n-n-n-no, no don't say that."

"I just," the voice broke.  "I don't know what's wrong with me!" it cried.  "I've been unhappy for the past two months for no reason at all. Sure, I've felt moments of joy, but it's always a temporary fix; a distraction. This has never happened to me, why can't I appreciate what I have? Why do I have to be so ungrateful?"

"Hey, you know, uh, you know we'll get through this," Klaus grasped for words, trying to make her feel better. The rain had picked up and was now pounding down on the earth. Klaus heaved (Y/N) up and carried her down the fire escape to the window of their apartment.

Depression. She had been diagnosed with depression. Little did they know at the time, that was just the tipping point of a much worse evil. Why the fuck did it have to be her?  Klaus's gaze flitted to the shiny diamond perched on her left ring finger. They were supposed to get married in six months, and now he didn't even want to think about where they would be at that time. If only Grace were still alive. She would've been able to do twice as much as the baboons at this hospital.

"I'm very sorry, but if it is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or CJD like we think it is, all we can do is try to make the time she has left more comfortable," Dr. Wellington informed grimly.

"Bullshit!" Klaus accused.

"Excuse me?" Dr. Wellington spoke up.

"I said bullshit," Klaus repeated getting up into her face. "This is supposed to be a hospital. Somewhere people go to get help, and you're saying you can't help her?" he snorted appalled. He stepped closer to the doctor until he was only a foot from her face. "Do you know what she's been through? She deserves every last fighting chance, and you pricks with your pristine white lab coats and your fancy diplomas think you can get away with not doing shit? You won't even try a damn thing to cure her!" Klaus fumed, normally bright green eyes dark with fury. 

He whirled around and stalked off, leaving Dr. Wellington behind.  He was trembling, the urge to pop a pill or smoke a joint eating away at his thoughts for the first time in over five years.  It was unbearable.  He just wanted to escape this nightmare and pretend everything was okay.

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love (Klaus Hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now