Chapter 5

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Though boring and irritating, (Y/N)'s time in the hospital flew by.  She was finally getting discharged after a few long weeks of shitty hospital food and Klaus overreacting to every small thing that she mentioned was causing her discomfort.  She was going to stay with Jake and Amy for a few months, at least until she could get back on her feet at the Nine-Nine.  (Y/N)'s doctor went through home care procedures and precautions as well as the rehab plan with her and Jake, and then she was finally out of there.

"FREEDOM!" (Y/N) yelled long and loud as Jake hurdled her across the parking lot to his car in her wheelchair.  He helped her into the passenger's side and hopped in the driver's seat, starting the ignition.  Taylor Swift began blasting through the ratchet speakers as Jake started belting out the lyrics to "Love Story".

"First stop," he hollered over the music, "convince store.  We're gonna buy all the necessities.  I'm talking cheese puffs, I'm talking ice cream, I'm talking Doritos, I'm talking sour candy, I'm talking Orange Soda," Jake listed off all her favorite junk foods.

"Don't forget (F/D)!" (Y/N) added excitedly.

"What?  Isn't Orange Soda enough?"

"Sure, Orange Soda is good, but nothing beats a cold (F/D)."

"How are we even related!?  You know what, fine.  But only because you just got out of the hospital," Jake relented and pulled into the gas station, rushing out to get the goods.  He came back ten minutes later with three bags chocked full of anything and everything she craved at the hospital.

"Jake, you're the best!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she ruffled through the items.

"Amy is also at Mr. and Mrs. Santiago's for the weekend so we're renting all the Die Hard and all the John Wick movies and having that movie marathon we talked about.  Maybe now that you're not all hopped up on drugs you'll come to your senses about who the better John is."

"Yeah, right.  Keep dreaming bro.  Ams didn't want to join us?"

"When I mentioned the junk food and the Battle of the Johns she volunteered to leave."

"Well, she boring!" (Y/N) exclaimed.  Jake laughed as he pulled up to his apartment and parked the car.  When he got out, he helped her into the wheelchair and meticulously hung the bags of snacks on the handles, handing (Y/N) the bag with the sodas.  He then proceeded to race her down the hall, charging into an elevator that was already open.  They made it just in time before the doors closed.  Heaving, Jake pressed a button, and the elevator jolted to life.

"Sooooo," Jake started expectantly before pausing.

"Just spit it out Peralta," (Y/N) rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Are you and Klaus smooshing booties yet?"

"Eww, you sound like Charles!  Speaking of, don't you ever tell him anything about Klaus and me, okay?  I don't want him to get all Peraltiago on me," she said, shivering as she thought about it.

"No, I would never wish that on anyone, " Jake agreed, shaking his head.  "So?  Give me all the deets," he said, that goofy smile she loved so much on his face.

"We're taking it slow.  He's looking after my apartment while I'm over here.  He's been sober for eight months.  For me.  He did it for me," she whispered still in disbelief that he'd actually quit his addiction.

Jake squealed like a crazy fangirl.  "You guys are so cute!  What would you be called?  Peralgreeves?  Pargreeves?  Hargralta? Heralta?"  He paused from his excitement, tone and expression growing serious, "But you know that as soon as he touches anything, even weed, I will forbid you from dating him."

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