Chapter 4

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"So, are you nervous?" Jake inquired once they arrived at (Y/N)'s room.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Well, you haven't seen her for seven months.  What happened, weren't you supposed to find her again after a month?"

"Look at the smarty-pants over here!  Thinks he knows everything cause he's a detective.  I'm not surprised she didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"I did go back.  I went back every week for two months, and she never answered.  I texted her, and she didn't respond.  I left messages for her, and she never called back."

"Whaaaaat?  She wouldn't do that," Jake said in disbelief.

"Well, she did.  Didn't even ask who was at the door."

A few heartbeats passed before realization dawned on Jake.  "She was scared."

"Oh, well that's relieving" —Klaus stretched out his arms towards Jake palms up and leaned towards him, a doleful look coming over his eyes— "thank you!" he responded with fake gratitude before shaking it off angrily.

"Klaus you have to listen to me—"

"Why should I?" Klaus challenged.

"Because I know her better than anyone else.  Ever since that one-month mark was approaching she's been jumping on anything that's threatened to be a cold case.  She spent days at a time on a stakeout and sometimes even weeks undercover.  The only time she took a break was in-between cases and on special occasions.  Even then she was looking for something new.  To her credit, she solved pretty much every one of them.  But she always does this. 

"I was assigned as her partner for her first six months at the Nine-Nine seven years ago. Whenever she was nervous or scared about anything she would throw herself into her work to distract herself.  She didn't have bad intentions when she didn't respond to you, trust me.  She missed you a lot, she was just scared."  Jake lowered his voice, beckoning Klaus to come closer.  "She had this boyfriend a long time ago, and let's just say he was a scumbag.  Ever since she hasn't been able to develop a romantic connection with anyone.  She tries dating, but her heart isn't in it."

Klaus felt a glimmer of hope spark up at Jake's explanation.  "Really?"

"1000 push-ups."

Klaus dropped down and started cranking out push-ups.  "I don't think I can do 1000 push-ups, but I did two sets of 100 every day when I was in Vietnam," he commented while glancing up at a very confused Jake.

Jake opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before shaking it off, resolving to just let Klaus do his thing.  Moments later the door opened and Klaus jumped up to attention as the nurses exited the room.  He watched them move along the corridor until they were out of sight and then turned back to the door.  He daintily walked up to it and inched it open, squeezing himself inside with Jake following his lead.  His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her.  His heart started racing like it used to whenever he saw her.  His soul clenched when his eyes landed on all the bruises, stitches, and various tubes coming out of her.  All he wanted to do was bound over to the bed and make her better.

"Jakey?" her gravelly voice sounded from beyond the neck brace.

"Yes (Y/N/N)?"

"You're here," she stated as if it were a fact.

"Yeah, I'm here."  Jake walked over to her bedside and gently moved her hair away from her face.  She smiled weakly at him, her eyes glistening with life.

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love (Klaus Hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now