Chapter 1

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Klaus stumbled through the alleyway gripping the neck of a vodka bottle with one hand while the other flailed helplessly, keeping him from tumbling into a wall.  He took a swig of the clear substance and sighed in delight as he came to a stop at the main road. 

Cars ambled through the traffic-jammed streets and pedestrians bustled by, shooting him disapproving looks and giving him a wide berth.  Klaus groaned as he squinted and brought his hands up to his eyes to block out the glaring light of the headlights and the various billboards that line the city streets.  Faded discs of color danced across his vision and he felt his muscles loosen as the drugs he had taken only a few minutes ago started to work their magic.  The music from the nightclubs down the street became more focused and prominent, drowning out the last of the violent screams. 

A loopy smile graced Klaus's lips, his eyelids drooping until his eyes were mere slits.  "Finally some peace and calm!" he chuckled, forgetting what he was drinking and taking a long swig from the bottle he was holding.  He stuck his tongue out shaking his head, face coiled in disgust as the potent alcohol slithered down his throat.

A few people glanced his way as they sped up their paces, trying to get as far away from the weird druggie as possible.  Klaus straightened up as he theatrically lifted one of his legs to take the first step to god knows where only to lose his balance and start tumbling towards the ground.  He braced himself for impact, squeezing his eyes shut before feeling a firm grip on his arm supporting him before he could come face to face with the cold cement. 

He was pulled upright and steadied with a hand on either arm.  Once he regained his balance, he popped open an eye to take a peek at what had kept him from smashing into the ground.  He mumbled under his breath before closing his eye again only to shoot them both open a second later. 

In front of him stood the prettiest girl he had ever seen.  His mouth formed an "o" as he looked her up and down, bringing the bottle back up to his lips.  He was about to take another sip when it was roughly snatched from his grasp.  Before he could retaliate, Klaus felt it whiz by his head, smashing on one of the brick walls behind him.  He blinked a couple of times, stunned by the sudden action before lapsing back into his drug-induced calm. 

"Well that was uncalled for and terribly rude," he declared, exasperated.

"You don't even know what you're talking about!  You're so high right now I bet you don't know who I am!  I bet you don't even know if I'm dead or alive!" the girl snorted.

Klaus stared at her blankly for a couple of seconds.  "Do we know each other?"

An echo radiated through the air as the girl slapped the druggie on the cheek with surprising ferocity.

"Oooo" —Klaus brought his free hand up to delicately run his fingers over the site of impact, voice reflecting the chills that were beginning to course through his body— "You know that turns me on!" he moaned dreamily.

"I thought we didn't know each other," the girl retorted.

Klaus frowned in concentration, trying to figure out the implication of what she had just said.  He shook his head deeming the task futile. 

"You're preeeetty," he drawled, cracking a smile.  The girl rolled her eyes in response and started dragging him down the street. 

"Hey, ow!  Be careful with me, I'm precious cargo," Klaus whined when she yanked him over the ledges formed by the breaks in the sidewalk.

  ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

Klaus pleaded them to stop, his body quivering in fear.  His eyes flew open as he shot up only to be met with a very displeased Diego sitting in a chair next to him.  He groaned and closed his eyes again, rolling over on the bed face down.  Wait.  Bed?  Why was he on a bed?  The last thing he remembered was popping a couple of those new pills he had just bought. 

Don't Be Scared, It's Only Love (Klaus Hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now