Chapter 7

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"That's the first time you said you loved me.  That's when I knew," Klaus wept, "that's when I knew that I would do whatever it took to marry you.  That's when I knew I was too far gone to go back."

"I remember that," (Y/N) spoke weakly.  "You were... so sweet.  I remember thinking," she gulped, "'who is this person, and what have they done to Klaus?'"  Klaus shook his head and laughed, though it wasn't very convincing. 

"Remember the first day I kissed you?  Like actually kissed you, not just on the cheek or forehead or anything."

"How could I—" (Y/N) was hindered by a fit of coughing.  "How could I forget?" 

"Do you think stars look at us like we look at them?" Klaus asked.

(Y/N) pursed her lips in thought. "Maybe. Though I don't think they'd look at us.  I think they may look at the city lights.  Have you seen those satellite pictures?  They're absolutely breathtaking."

"No, but I don't need to.  I can just look at you," Klaus responded.

"Stop being cheesy, it's annoying."

"You love it, and you know it."

"Look at that one over there!" (Y/N) pointed towards a particularly bright star.  "Ooh and that one!  They're all so beautiful."  She continued to jabber on about all the different stars and constellations in the sky, but Klaus had stopped listening ages ago.  He merely stared in awe at the woman beside him.  If the stars disappeared and all he could look at was her, he'd be okay with that.

"What are you gawking at?"  She poked him, interrupting his daydreaming.  Klaus didn't say anything, he just searched her expansive (e/c) eyes, convinced that he could unearth the origin of the universe in them.

Suddenly he couldn't take it anymore.  He wrapped a hand around her head and slowly leaned in.  He noticed her lips part slightly, eyes fluttering before closing completely as she moved to meet him.  He felt his own eyes close and another pair of lips on his own.  A cool breeze blew past them, and Klaus pulled her in closer, trying to feel every bit of warmth she could provide.

Her lips were delicate but insistent, moving in perfect sync with his own.  With every release he could feel an electric current pulling his lips back to hers; every capture of her lips sent a shock coursing through his body.  They parted and sat up, gazing into each other's eyes.

"I love you," Klaus declared with such conviction that (Y/N) had no choice but to believe him.

Her face lit up as bright as the night sky and she caressed his cheek.  "I love you too."

Klaus pulled her close, kissing her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, anywhere he could reach before finally landing on her lips again.  He ran his thumb along the side of her face as he pushed a strand of hair away with his other hand, tucking it behind her ear.  When he pulled away, (Y/N) buried her face in his neck, cuddling up against him.  They talked and laughed well into the night until the faint colors of morning rose into the sky.

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