A/N and Timeline

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Hello!  It's been a while hasn't it?  I just wanted to thank those of you who stayed with this story and the new readers who picked it up even after seeing that it hasn't been updated in over a year.  I got really busy and lost interest in writing for a while.  I started writing again on a private account very recently and honestly forgot about this story until I logged back on to this account!  When I logged in, I saw that a couple of people had added it to their reading lists, so I opened it up and realized that I was so close to finishing that I mind as well do it!  I'm sorry if the ending strays in quality or accuracy with character personality, but I still think this is one of the best stories I've written.  I'm very proud of all the work I put in to try and make it as accurate as possible to both Netflix's The Umbrella Academy universe and the Brooklyn Nine-Nine universe while pursuing my own unique story-line.  I put a lot of time into researching both of these worlds as well as information about CJD.  I may go back and edit this story, but it wouldn't be for a while.  Below I've included the timeline I constructed to help me keep events in order as well as a few other notes.  The timeline ends at (Y/N)'s diagnosis.  Thank you again for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story!

This timeline is based on the fact that Jake Peralta was born in 1981 and that he was 33 when season one of Brooklyn Nine-Nine premiered as well as the fact that the Hargreeves were born in 1989 and in the first episode, Five had gone missing 16 years ago as a 13 year old.  This puts the events of Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 5 a year later than they happened on the TV show.  All months and exact dates (not including birthdays) are estimates based on information given by the shows, the relation to other episodes in the season, and the actual time it takes to complete the various schooling needed.  All ages are accurate to the year and all medical information and procedures in the story are as accurate as I could manage with what little knowledge I had.

May 21 - June 20, 1981 — Jake Peralta is born
October 1, 1989 — The Hargreeves are born
November 15, 1990 — (Y/N) is born
N/A - April 2015 — Captain McGintley is captain of the Nine-Nine
November 11, 2002 — Five goes missing (age 13)
2005 — Jake joins the Nine-Nine (age 24)
June 2009 — (Y/N) graduates high school
May 16, 2011 — (Y/N) graduates from college with an associates
November 24, 2011 — (Y/N) completes police training
June 30, 2013 — (Y/N) gets promoted to detective and joins the Nine-Nine (age 22)
August 24, 2013 — (Y/N) and Jake meet Diego (age 23)
April 2015 — Captain Holt takes charge
September 2, 2015 — (Y/N) breaks up with junkie boyfriend
October 6, 2015 — (Y/N) and Jake arrest Klaus
November 15, 2017 — (Y/N)'s 27th birthday
March 24, 2019 — Hargreeves reunite
April 1, 2019 — Apocalypse is stopped
August 23, 2019 — Jake and Rosa go to jail
August 26, 2019 — (Y/N) breaks up with Joel
October 3, 2019 — (Y/N) finds Klaus on the street
October 10, 2019 — Klaus gets sober
October 18, 2019 — Nine-Nine frees Jake and Rosa
May 4, 2020 — (Y/N) and Rosa respond to an active shooter; (Y/N) gets admitted to the hospital
October 15, 2022 — Klaus proposes
April 18, 2024— (Y/N) diagnosed with CJD (age 33)

Additional Notes

First Halloween Heist in 2015

Fifth Halloween Heist 2018

Story starts in early October of 2018

Ages at start of story

Jake and Rosa were in Jail for 8 weeks

(Y/N) 27 years old (born November 15, 1990)
Klaus 29 years old (born October 1, 1989)
Jake 37 years old (born in May-June 1981)

(Y/N) admitted to the hospital in early May 2019

Jake joined Nine-Nine when he was 24 in 2005

Captain McGintley from 2005-2014

Umbrella academy takes place in 2018 for 8 days. (Late summer? Sometime in August)

Jake and Rosa in Jail during early-mid October

(Y/N) met Diego late 2011

(Y/N) found out about Klaus in 2014

(Y/N) met Klaus 2014

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