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it wasn't easy being a demon. eddy chen would know first hand.

day after day it was the same hard work. torture, a coffee break, more torture, lunch, meetings with the devil, torture, and then head home.

don't get me wrong, eddy really did enjoy giving those in hell a taste of their own medicine. he spent his days in the fire realm and specialized in all things burning, and he loved it. ever since he was a little demon, he loved playing with lighters and setting things aflame. wasn't such a good thing for his parents, but turned out to be a pretty successful career nonetheless.

but the same routine every day was tedious, and eddy desperately needed something new, whatever it may be.

eddy consulted the devil himself about this issue, and he was assigned to work on earth for a couple of weeks. it would be fun, because messing with humans was always fun, but even more so on earth.

one of his favorite things was to tie shoelaces together and laugh maniacally as people tripped over their own feet. alternatively, and quite a bit more aggressively, setting houses on fire was great, too. the sound of burning wood was music to eddy's ears.

speaking of music, being on earth gave eddy a chance to practice violin more often. the violin wasn't particularly favored in hell—it sounded too beautiful. there, they preferred to play viola (as a torture device of course.) but eddy had always loved playing the violin, and spending eternity in hell with one of the greatest violinists of all time, paganini, meant he had gotten quite good at the instrument.

though, if there was one thing eddy didn't enjoy about earth, it was running into angels. angels frequented earth much more often than demons did, and it seemed like there was one flapping their annoyingly bright white wings on every street corner. yet, demons and angels weren't necessarily rivals. on the contrary, they were quite civil. each party knew that they had different jobs to do, and agreed to stay out of each other's way, both on earth and off of it. although, it was rare to see angels and demons get along with one another—most demons couldn't stand the weird, calming energy that angels exuded and most angels were scared of them anyways.

eddy decided not to worry too much about the angels, though. he made a promise to avoid them as much as possible and enjoy his time away from hell.

on earth, the fun began when eddy convinced an unsuspecting human to hand over their apartment to him, keys and everything.

what? even demons need somewhere to sleep.

to be fair, said human had cheated on his girlfriend. so he obviously deserved it.

that was an important thing to recognize about the job: there was absolutely no torturing innocent people. and besides, there was no fun in that anyways.

eddy settled into his apartment, which was surprisingly well suited to his taste. the walls were painted a dark grey and the furniture had deep red accents. more importantly, when you closed the curtains it felt like nighttime, the whole room completely dark.

just like home, eddy sighed.

it was a saturday night, and the city was bound to be crawling with criminals—eddy couldn't wait to get to work.

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