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"we should go out somewhere," brett suggested, watching eddy sip his coffee.

eddy had been letting brett decide what they did during daylight hours since he'd begged so nicely for it in the days before, but now he wasn't too sure.

"out? into the city?"

brett nodded.

"are you sure?"

he nodded again, a bit less enthusiastic this time.

"okay then."

the two flew into the city in the early afternoon, landing discreetly behind the coffeeshop where eddy used to get cupcakes for brett. it had been weeks since he had one and excited to taste the heavenly dessert again.

as they walked across the parking lot, bret latched on to eddy's hand, pulling him along.

when they stepped into the café, it was evident that eddy was even more out of place than usual, wearing all black and holding onto brett's hand.

it must have been a sight, really.

mr. tall, dark, and scary grasping the hand of a shorter man donning pastel colors, and who nearly jumped in excitement while eddy scowled.

but brett didn't notice. in fact, he blended in much more with the humans than eddy did, and was definitely better at interacting with them as well.

the demon, on the other hand, was on edge. he hesitated to let brett out of the house this morning and into the city because it had been weeks since anyone had threatened the angel, and it was only a matter of time before it happened again.

brett ordered a drink for eddy in fear that the demon would snap at the cashier, and soon enough they were sliding into a corner table far away from any humans, for the sake of the mortal's safety.

when the barista slid a small plate with a warm vanilla cupcake on top of it in front of brett, eddy watched intently for that bright smile of his. when it came, eddy's heart fluttered nervously and he couldn't help but grin himself.

brett caught him staring and blushed, a dollop of icing on the tip of his nose.

eddy was mesmerized.

"you are so beautiful," eddy blurted out, dazed.

the unexpected complement sent a bright red tint to brett's cheeks, one that eddy couldn't help but be proud of.

"oh, i, uh—" brett didn't know how to respond, "thank you?"

eddy didn't say anything, and just wiped off the icing from brett's nose with his thumb. he thought about licking the frosting away, but then he remembered that cupcakes were absolutely disgusting, so he settled for using a napkin.

later, the two found themselves sitting side by side under a cherry tree in the park, warm afternoon sun shining down upon their faces.

eddy leaned back on his hands while brett laid on the grass, head in his lap. the angel looked relaxed, but eddy had yet to let down his guard. they were still in public, and nothing was predictable.

brett, on the other hand, was having a blast.

he hadn't been out of the house, at least not like this, in weeks. he missed the feeling of the sun on his skin and the wind on his cheeks, and he savored every breath of fresh air. free—he felt free.

"look!" brett tapped eddy's thigh impatiently, pointing at the tree branch above them, "eddy! look!"

eddy flinched, turning his head, eyes wide and looking for danger.

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