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the morning sun had risen long before the demon and the angel did, creeping over the horizon in silence so as not to disturb their peace. it didn't bother to peek through the curtains, nor did it attempt to warm the air of the cabin too much. instead, it waited patiently behind the trees, quieting even the birds and the rustle of the branches. even the wind had paused for the time being. the world was waiting upon them.

the demon woke first, pleasantly surprised to see brett safely encased in his arms, still sound asleep, undisturbed as eddy snaked his hand under the hoodie brett was wearing—which happened to be his—and ran his calloused fingers up and down the angel's spine, skin soft under his touch. it was his feeble attempt at rousing the angel from sleep, careful not to wake him too quickly. but, being as tired as he was, it didn't seem that brett would get up anytime soon, and so eddy gratefully resorted to staring at the smaller boy's peaceful, serene face. smooth, slightly plump cheeks were as cute as ever, and those alluring, pink lips were practically calling eddy's name. he couldn't help but stare at them.

in his dazed, distracted state, he failed to realize that the angel was waking up, opening his eyes and blinking confusedly before letting out a contented sigh. it was only then that eddy noticed that he was awake.

the softness of the moment didn't permit spoken word, not with the comfortable silence that weighed on them like a thick blanket. consequently, eddy just smiled lazily down at the smaller boy, cupping the side of his face with his hand and pressing a feather-light kiss to the angel's forehead.

a dissatisfied whine nearly escaped brett's throat before he swallowed it down in embarrassment.

what was that about?

instead, he returned eddy's kind smile and toyed with the hem of the taller man's t-shirt, his fingers occasionally brushing past bare skin. he pretended like the unholy image of eddy's lips pressing against his hadn't just flashed through his mind.

minutes later, the silence was first broken by the soft call of a morning dove out to its mate, a quiet coo cutting through the early fog. then, a quick response floated back. a signal, it seemed.

"angel," the demon's low, raspy voice sent shivers down brett's spine that he could feel through his fingertips, "are you feeling better?"

a light blush tinted his cheeks. he didn't respond for fear that his voice would give him away, so he nodded eagerly.

"words, angel," the demon scolded, wanting to hear the sweet tone of brett's voice in the early morning.

the blush deepened.

"yeah," he answered quietly, biting his lip as he looked up into the abyss of eddy's eyes.

"good," eddy praised.

"how was it?" brett asked timidly, averting his gaze.

"it was... fine," eddy sighed, the lie a burden on his chest.

"was the—um, devil, nice to you?"

eddy chuckled down at the angel, planting another kiss on the top of his head.

"i think the real question is—" eddy paused, moving closer so that their noses nearly touched, "—was i nice to him?"

the demon's mischievous grin is what sent his heart pounding. he gulped, not in fear, but in anticipation.

eddy's breath was on his and jesus christ he couldn't form a single complete thought besides:

i want eddy to kiss me.

he licked his lips and looked into eddy's awaiting eyes.

"what's on that pretty little mind of yours, angel?"

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