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a/n: before i start this chapter, i want to thank Fox_Rain_04  for creating this amazing artwork of angel! brett and demon! eddy (attached above)! i love it so much and i think it is very representative of their characters :-) please check out her work on instagram @fox_rain_04! now onto the story...


it's almost sickening, how much they loved each other.

soft words and even softer hearts, gentle hands and even gentler kisses. it was like something out of an old tale, one that you might find in the ancient libraries of heaven or in the banned books of hell.

neither one of them could keep track of how many times they'd uttered the phrase 'i love you' to one another. but, they couldn't stop saying it, and they wouldn't, because it was true.

and they had the time, too, because the first week after eddy's return was oddly quiet. no letters from his father, no strange encounters with humans, no surprise visits from messengers.


rather than being constantly on edge, the two embraced their newfound freedom with open arms.

they spent their days practicing aimlessly, adventuring out into the city, even exploring the woods behind the cabin. of course, eddy still went on his nighttime excursions most evenings, and brett couldn't help but notice that they had seemed to get longer ever since the demon had come back from hell.

he hated falling asleep without eddy by his side, but staying up until the early hours of the morning was not a schedule that any angel could become accustomed to, and brett would often fall asleep on the couch while he waited, glasses half off of his face.

eddy would come home to see him curled up into a ball, skin ice-cold due to the autumn night air. he'd sigh in disapproval and carry the angel to bed before wrapping his arms around him tight and drifting to sleep. it wasn't too much of a problem, of course, until eddy came home to find brett's skin a ghastly shade of blue, his lips nearly purple and his fingers like icicles.

the sight was all too familiar.

panic lit in his veins.

"brett? brett?" eddy knelt down next to the couch and shook the angel's shoulders vigorously, "angel, wake up, come on, wake up!"

his heart beat faster than hummingbird wings and his voice was soaked in worry.

brett's body remained limp, unmoving. his breaths were nearly as shallow as they were back in heaven.

"fucking hell, angel, wake up!" eddy shouted, as if he were trapped behind soundproof glass and his words could not escape. he buried his head in the crook of the couch next to brett, tears burning at the back of his eyes.

slowly, the angel's head rolled to one side, his eyelids fluttering open confusedly.

"eddy?" he croaked, "what's wrong?"

eddy collapsed further into the side of the couch, letting out a long, heavy sigh, blinking away unshed tears.

"fuck, brett, don't scare me like that," he breathed, running a hand down his face in relief. he intertwined his warm fingers with brett's cold ones, and pressed his lips to the top of the angel's head.

at the contact with the demon's skin, brett realized what the issue was and a violent shiver wracked his body.

"o-oh, i'm cold," he chattered, hands trembling, reaching out to find eddy in the darkness.

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