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(warning: graphic depictions of violence)


how the demons got their hands on holy water, brett did not know.

what he did know, though, was that the feeling of the icy liquid sliding down his sore throat and spreading a coolness to the tips of his toes was the second best feeling he could have asked for in that moment.

he awoke with a gasp, lifting his head to find the last few savory drops of holy water. however, there was none left. he'd only gotten a small sip, and the supply had run out.

at the sound of lucifer's sinister voice, brett's eyes popped open and he was scrambling away from the sound. or, at least he attempted to. long, heavy chains pulled at his wrists.

"good! the angel is awake—we almost lost you there for a second, can't have that just yet."

just yet?

the water had made brett feel a little less sick and slightly less uncomfortable due to his fiery, volatile surroundings. with this newfound strength, in the strongest tone he could muster up, he demanded—

"let me go."

lucifer laughed maniacally before putting a pout on his harsh face.

"but aren't you having fun? i know i sure am."

the demon knelt down, level with brett's small figure. his finger traced the pounding pulse on the angel's neck, pressing in firmly. his touch wasn't sweet like eddy's—no, it was controlling, painful, and it held the promise to kill.

"we're going to have so much fun together," lucifer whispered, his hot, stinking breath fanning across brett's face, "and then i'm going to kill you, and i'll make edward watch."

brett hated violence, as all angels did. he didn't think he could kill an ant if he tried. which is why it was so hard for him to raise his leg up and kick lucifer hard, square in the chest.

the very action made him physically sick, but it felt necessary.

the king stumbled back, caught off guard by the angel's attack. but more importantly, he was angry. livid, even.

his dull red eyes bore into brett's gold ones.

a loud slap echoed off the stone walls, leaving a ringing noise in brett's ears. his face flung to the side and he could taste blood in his mouth that dripped down his chin, tainting his pale skin. he'd only tasted it once before when he was sick, but it was nasty enough to make him gag.

"next time you do that i'll kill you," lucifer growled out, his voice so low and thick that brett could hardly understand what he was saying.

"boys! lets begin," lucifer yelled down the hall.

the faint scent of eddy wafted into his cell, only slightly sour and metallic. his head perked up at the smell.

two more demons entered the cell, neither of them eddy. one held a long, string-like material, and the other held a black item of clothing. it smelled so strongly of eddy that brett couldn't help but reach out to it.

and as he did, the whip came down upon his back, ripping the jumper he wore.

a pained yelp escaped from his lips and he collapsed from his knees to the floor, his already bloodied face scraping against the rough ground.

one of the demons brought the eddy-scented fabric closer to his face and he breathed in deeply, hoping that the smell would bring him at least a semblance of comfort.

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