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turns out that angels love snow.

that is, of course, if you bundle them up in enough layers of clothing and give them a steaming cup of tea beforehand.

eddy was pleased to find out this fact as he followed the angel down the sidewalk to their favorite coffeeshop, watching the smaller boy kick through small piles of snow and gaze in wonder at the sky.

while eddy only donned a thin winter jacket, brett was wrapped in a unruly combination of hats and scarves, multiple long-sleeve shirts and hoodies. eddy was not risking his safety under any circumstance.

they walked in, hand in hand, greeted by the soft ring of the doorbell. the room was filled with the scent of warmth and coffee, along with the quiet clink of ceramic cups. baroque music played overhead and both the angel and the demon scrunched their noses at the sound. brett practically skipped up to the counter, smile as beautiful and angelic as ever, dragging eddy behind him.

typically, eddy would've allowed brett to order for the both of them, since he didn't particularly like dealing with humans, but the curious once-over that the boy behind the counter gave brett was more than enough to make him grasp onto the angel's hand tightly.

before the human could even get a word out, eddy cut in.

"medium black coffee, small hot chocolate—" brett gave him a look, "—make that a medium hot chocolate, and a vanilla cupcake." eddy's pitch black eyes bore into the employee, daring him to step out of line.

the human gulped and handed eddy the receipt, forgetting to even ask for money. brett shot the boy a kind smile while eddy dragged him possessively away to the furthest booths in the room.

"stop being so angry," brett pouted grumpily, "we're supposed to have a nice day."

"that human sure seemed real nice," eddy grumbled, slouching into his seat.

brett's eyes lit up and he giggled.

"are you jealous, eddy?"

"of course im jealous," he scoffed, "he was checking you out."

"is that such a bad thing?" brett teased.

"yes," eddy humphed, crossing his arms, scowling at the napkin on the table as if it had cursed at him.

brett watched in amusement, warmth blooming in his chest as he if could physically feel how much eddy cared for him.

his gaze was interrupted by the boy from the front counter sliding their drinks, and the much sought after cupcake, onto the table, his eyes lingering much too long for eddy's comfort.

if he had it his way, the boy wouldn't have eyes to look with.

"enjoy your food," the boy said cheerily, his hand resting on the back of brett's side of the booth. eddy wanted to tear it off.

the demon sent him a scathing glare and it was enough to send the human away without any words. he watched the boy retreat back to the front counter.

"eddy!" brett gasped in awe, "look how pretty!"

eddy turned to see brett looking down into his hot chocolate, which had a heart made out of whipped cream floating on the top.

his fists clenched and his eyes burned red but before he could get up brett clutched his closed hand.

"eddy, don't," he pleaded.

fueled by a dangerous, possessive desire, eddy had every intention to ignore him. brett could see this fact in his eyes.

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