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eddy's rage had dissipated by the time he reached his apartment, but his eyes were still bright red. he figured that after a kill like that, they'd stay that way for several hours.

he pushed open the bathroom door where brett was still laying on the tile with considerably more blood on his face than had been there before eddy left.

"where did you..." brett began to ask, trailing off when he saw eddy's blood-stained hands. he recognized whose blood it was as soon as he smelled it. he pushed himself to the corner of the bathroom floor, cowering away in fear once he connected the dots.

eddy ignored the question and washed his hands off under the faucet, turning to face brett.

he reached out, offering a hand to brett.

"come on, you have to clean up."

brett was astonished at how eddy could be so casual after literally murdering someone.

"n-no, don't touch me," brett started, but was cut off when eddy's large hands gripped his waist and lifted him up onto the bathroom counter effortlessly.

brett was far too weak to fight back and accepted his defeat.

eddy ran a hand towel under warm water and handed it to the angel.

brett just stared blankly at the towel.

"are you going to make me do it?" eddy sighed, and began wiping the trail of blood off of brett's chin.

brett subconsciously leaned into the heat of eddy's hand on his shoulder that held him still and the warmth of the soft towel on his face. in just moments, he had fallen asleep, head leaning into eddy's hand.

eddy sighed more heavily this time, scooping up the angel in his arms and carrying him to the couch. he tucked brett under the covers after removing his glasses from his face.

he stood there, watching brett sleep peacefully, a small cough shaking his body every few minutes. eddy went back to his room and took the blanket off of his bed, returning to the living room and curling up on the chair. he needed to make sure that brett wouldn't die in his sleep, so he chose to sleep there for the night.


brett woke up the next morning feeling...normal? besides the fact that his head was pounding and his whole body felt sore, his temperature had seemed to regulate itself and he was no longer shivering.

he sat up and turned around to see eddy walking from the kitchen, two small boxes in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. his dark red eyes reminded brett of what happened the night before. he shivered. eddy had killed the bartender.

he sank into the couch as the demon got closer. how much longer before he would kill brett, too?

"coffee?" eddy asked, his voice so deep and gravelly in the early morning that it made brett flinch.

"n-no, i don't drink—"

"ah, yes. angels don't consume caffeine," eddy recalled, "nor alcohol, but look where we are now."

brett didn't laugh at the joke and instead sat awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers.


eddy slid the one of the small cardboard boxes across the coffee table to brett.

"here." he waited, watching for brett's reaction as he opened it.

as the angel unfolded the cardboard to reveal the pink frosted cupcake, he smiled wide, perfect teeth gleaming in the dim room.

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