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(warning: graphic depictions of violence)

brett couldn't breathe.

not only was he sobbing so hard that it was nearly impossible, the hot, thick air of hell was choking him.

in between coughs and hard hiccups he gasped, hands scratching at his throat in an attempt to get some air down.

he was far too weak to fight back as the two demons carried him down a dark, stone hallway lined with fire. his skin felt like it would melt off and his eyes burned as the fire got too close.

loud, unforgiving cries echoed down the hall along with heavy footsteps.

they reached what looked like a cell, with rock walls and a dirt floor, enclosed with an iron gate. it was so dark that brett could hardly see, and he was terrified.

lucifer unlocked the cell and pushed the door open.

the demons threw brett onto the hard floor as if he weighed absolutely nothing.

"be a good angel now, won't you?" lucifer teased as he closed the gate and locked it.

brett only glared up at him with teary eyes, to which lucifer cackled.

the three demons walked off, leaving brett in the pitch darkness, alone, exhausted, and so terribly afraid.

there was nothing to be done as he slumped to the floor and passed out.

eddy knew something was wrong as soon as he arrived at the store. he didn't bother going in, and instead turned back, flying home faster than he ever had, fighting against the wind and the stabbing pain in his heart.

but he was too late.

by the time he got back the scent of the angel was faint, along with the smell of his brother, and the door had been smashed to pieces on the ground.

inside, he found obvious signs of struggle. there were white feathers all over the couch and the blanket that the angel had been cuddled up to just minutes ago was nearly ripped in half.

and when he turned around to see the angel's blood smeared across the wall he'd never felt so furious in his entire life.

come home. -L

he was going to kill his brother.

with an angry roar eddy's fist flew through the wall and he lept into action, grabbing the cross from the bedside table and shoving it into his pocket, not caring about how much it burned. he needed to find his angel.


brett woke to the sound of rushed footsteps down the hall.

he had no perception of time, vulnerable in the darkness. it could've been hours or minutes since he'd been locked away. he had no idea.

there was no window, no light, no sound, and more importantly, no way out.

the footsteps travelled nearer. the thumping of his chest got louder, pounding in his ears.

when the footsteps stopped right in front of him, the crackle of a torch being lit echoed throughout his small cell.

light illuminated eddy's face.

"eddy!" brett gasped in relief, hard sobs traveling up his throat. his hands wrapped around the iron bars, pulling his body closer to eddy in desperation.

the demon seemed to stare blankly before his face sprung into emotion.

"brett!" he breathed, reaching out to grasp the angel's hand, "you're safe now, i promise."

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