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thick, black out curtains shielded the early afternoon sun from entering the bedroom where an angel of soft features and cold hands laid atop a demon who was quite the opposite. yet somehow, they fit together like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, arms wrapped around shoulders and waists, legs intertwined like long vines, bodies weighed down by thick covers. the room was silent save for deep breaths and the rustling of sheets as the demon woke from sleep.

he didn't have to open his eyes to know that the warmth between his arms was brett, still fast asleep judging from the slow rise and fall of his small frame. the sweet, candy-like smell that emitted from the angel was more alluring than it had ever been, and eddy didn't feel even a hint of distaste at the scent. on the contrary, he was rather contented with the fact that he was likely covered in the smell.

still tired after long nights of work, eddy made a move to go back to sleep, burying his nose and hand into brett's soft hair, breathing deeply. but as he did, he heard a small whine emanate from the smaller boy's throat. he opened his eyes to see brett roll away, scrunching his face up and stretching his arms to the ceiling before looking at eddy, a faint pink blush staining his cheeks.

"good morning!" he said with an excitement that only an angel could have after just waking up. since he was no longer sick or plagued by a debilitating fear of eddy, his true personality began to shine through, one that was very bright and admittedly angel-like, yet the demon couldn't help but admire it.

eddy gave him a blank stare before face-planting into a pillow with a groan, grabbing brett by the hand to pull him back to his side.

the angel frowned at the demon's grumpiness, knowing it was caused by too many sleepless nights in a row, all to keep him safe. even though he was wide awake, he knew that eddy was going to want to sleep for a couple more hours, and he didn't want to get up, for he'd have to leave the taller boy's side. so, he settled for sliding back under the covers, staring up at the ceiling as he felt eddy's grip slowly loosen on his hand.

their, quiet, peaceful little world was rudely interrupted by the blaring ring of the doorbell. a frustrated noise, somewhere between a grumble and a growl, sounded from eddy's chest. brett, who had a considerable amount of energy even after only sleeping for a few hours, lept to his feet, already opening the bedroom door before eddy could protest.

"don't worry, i'll get it!" he ensured.

eddy closed his eyes again, too tired to wonder why someone would be knocking on his door in the middle of the day. it's not like he had friends on earth, and he wasn't expecting any visitors, and he wouldn't be getting any mail—

and holy shit it was way too quiet in his apartment.

why couldn't he hear brett's voice anymore?

he lept to his feet, slamming open the bedroom with a bang to see the angel knelt upon the floor, silent tears streaming down his face, a sleek metal gun pressed to his head by a man dressed in all black. before he could step forward, the stranger's voice resonated throughout the room.

"take another step and i'll pull the trigger."

a combination of fiery anger and icy panic flooded his veins, heart pumping in double time. he hadn't gotten a kill last night, but he was about to get one today.

eddy tilted his head threateningly, red eyes boring into the wide eyes of the intruder, not looking at them, but through them.

"no you won't," eddy countered, voice dripping with venom and conviction.

through watery eyes, brett looked pleadingly up at eddy, begging for not just help, but also mercy. he knew that, from the absolutely murderous look on eddy's face and the sickly-sweet tone of his voice, the demon was going to kill the man right before him and brett wouldn't be able to get him to stop. the angel had never seen death before and had never wanted to. he certainly didn't want the demon he held in such high esteem to be the one to introduce it to him.

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