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eddy stood up suddenly after sitting in his living room for an hour, during which he spent half the time watching the angel sleep and the other half scrolling through boring human television shows.

he changed quickly and left the apartment. he was on edge after being in close quarters with the angel all night and desperately in need of fresh air. on top of that, he was starving.

the city was quiet on a sunday morning, which meant that there was likely no work for him to do, much to eddy's disappointment. he knew that if there was anything that would calm his temper, it would be a fresh kill, but the opportunity probably wouldn't arise during the daytime. he'd have to wait.

so he flew to the nearest café, taking his time to stretch out his wings before they'd be inevitably incapacitated in the presence of brett. the coffeeshop was bustling with people and smelled wonderfully of roasting coffee beans. he ordered a coffee, black, and a breakfast sandwich, convincing the lady at the cash register to give it to him on the house with just a simple wink. humans were just too easy.

he sat in the corner and watched the humans and their silly little mannerisms while he ate his food. it was funny to him how they would flinch away from their hot coffee and make faces when they burned their tongues. eddy kept people watching for awhile, not wanting to go back to his apartment.

before he left, the same employee from before walked up to him with flirty eyes. she gave him a small box that had a vanilla cupcake in it, covered in rainbow sprinkles. eddy grimaced at the thought of eating it, but accepted it anyways. maybe he could give it to brett.

when he reached his apartment again he could hear the sound of brett's coughing, even from behind the door. he walked in to see the angel sitting up on the couch, bent over in pain. it seemed that warmth was only a temporary fix.

eddy watched as brett's skin began to pale again and he started to panic.

brett needed to get better—eddy couldn't imagine the kind of trouble he'd be in if he didn't.

he handed brett the box with the cupcake in it. maybe food would help? truthfully, he had no clue.

"eat this."

brett took the box carefully, and when he did the tips of their fingers brushed together. brett savored the little bit of warmth that came from eddy's hand, he was still freezing cold.

he opened the box, the sweet smell reminding him of home. he stuck a hesitant finger in the frosting as the thought that eddy could be poisoning him passed through his mind. brett figured that if the demon wanted to kill him, he would have done it already, so he licked the frosting off of his finger, smiling when the sugar hit his tastebuds.

eddy watched him out of curiosity. he'd never had sweet food like that before, and wondered if it was as good as angels made it seem. not to mention, brett's smile had such an angel-like allure to it, eddy couldn't keep his eyes away.

"thank you," brett whispered, snapping eddy out of his daze.

"yeah," eddy responded awkwardly, averting his gaze, then left to go to his room. he had nothing else to do, so he was going to practice.

eddy hadn't had a real practice session in a long time, and it was painfully obvious. he could barely play a scale in tune and his vibrato was messy and uneven. his warmup was so bad that he could practically hear paganini screaming at him down in hell.

but eddy loved practicing, and time flew by quickly while he did. he didn't mind the fact that he had spent an hour on scales and another hour polishing his technique alone. it was fun for him.

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