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for my love.

(warning: graphic depictions of violence)


brett did not even bat an eye at the sound of his name passing through eddy's lips.

and why would he? to him, it was just another demon disguised as eddy coming to torture him, to beat him until he passed out and then bring him back with holy water just to beat him again.

just as eddy was about to rip the cell door open, he heard the sound of his brother's angry footsteps stomping down the corridor.

"shit," he whispered under his breath, fumbling around for the cross in his pocket.

he picked it up, fingers burning at contact with the holy object, and threw it to the angel.

"angel, put this on," he encouraged quickly, turning around to look out for his approaching brother.

it was only when the cross landed on brett's bloodied hand that he made a move. however, he didn't put it on because eddy had told him to. no, he clasped the chain around his neck because it was familiar, a symbol of heaven and safety and riddance of demons. it was his last hope to be free from them, once and for all.

"edward!" lucifer growled out, walking intently towards eddy with clenched fists, "time to say goodbye to the little angel, yes?"

"you'll have to kill me first," eddy spat, standing protectively in front of brett's cell.

"oh trust me, we'll kill you. but after you watch us kill him." and with that, the torches burst into hot, angry hellfire, casting the hall in a deep red.

eyes ablaze with fury, eddy swung his fist towards lucifer, who dodged the punch just by a hair. unluckily for him, eddy anticipated his move and used his other hand to punch his brother square in the chest, causing the short demon to wheeze violently.

with a new thirst for vengeance, lucifer lurched forward, his sharp fingernails scraping across eddy's cheek in retaliation, leaving three angry, red lines upon his face. he tried and tried to get a good punch in, but eddy was faster, smarter, always three steps ahead, and was fueled by an emotion much stronger than that of anger. it was love.

but lucifer was not going down so easily. he was going to win, even if that meant playing dirty.

a pained yell from lucifer as eddy broke his nose alerted the demons just down the hall, who leapt into action to protect their king. eddy, who was so focused on keeping lucifer away from brett's cell, failed to notice as a demon barged in, tackling him from the side.

he reacted quickly, throwing the demon off of him and scrambling to his feet, watching in panic as lucifer moved to unlock the cell door.

"luke, stay the fuck away from him," eddy growled out, lunging towards him.

before he could latch on, though, a sharp prick stabbed at his left shoulder.

there were three demons surrounding him. two holding him down, and the other, his father, injecting holy water into his veins.

and a lot of it.

the syringe was long, the needle sharp, and the substance burned through his veins like an arctic blizzard, freezing him to the bone and sending excruciating pain throughout his body.

"fuck you," eddy spat at his father, collapsing to the ground as the holy water reached his legs. meanwhile, lucifer had successfully opened brett's cell and was approaching the angel with an intense ferocity. the angel had watched the scene before him with a blank expression, as if he'd seen it hundreds of times before.

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