Chapter 23

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Whoops I'm very late with this one because of school, so I'm scraping the schedule. I might remake the entire thing with better pacing, character development, and grammar.
When I woke up in the morning, Dimitri was lying next to me, asleep, looking a gorgeous as ever.

This was another unusual thing, me waking up before him. I frowned but realized that he'd been out last night, likely on duty. Why was I always questioning everything he did? There should be no doubts in our relationship, we were finally back together again. After 10 long years of not speaking to him, not getting to touch his beautiful, chiseled face, just not being able to revel in his presence, shouldn't I be happier?

Wait... why were we even apart for 10 years?

All of a sudden, all my worries floated away as I saw Dimitri stir. Yes, yes I am happy. I'm happy to be with the one I love after being separated for so long. Why does it matter why we were separated? All that matters is that we're together now and there's nothing keeping us apart.

That's right, nothing keeping us apart.

Leaving Dimitri to get some more rest, as he hadn't woken up earlier, I headed down to get some food, feeling like I was walking on a cloud, almost euphoric.

I sat down with my sandwich, thinking about nothing other than how blissful my life was—and would be—now that I was back with Dimitri. I loved him so much...

"Rosilia?" I heard a voice behind me. I spun around, slightly embarrassed to be caught in the middle of my daydreaming.

And was nearly knocked over by a tiny body hurling into me. "Wha—"

"The super duper epic Strigoi killer guardian strikes again!" The boy that was with Dibe triumphantly declared. "That makes 35 Strigois that the super duper epic Strigoi killer guardian has destroyed with my epic powers!"

I laugh, glancing up to see Dibe behind him, giving me a small smile that seemed to say, "just go with it."

I dramatically toppled over, hand over my heart, as I gasped, "no.... you are far too powerful for me...." before letting out a strangled sound and giving one last twitch as I lay on the floor, "dead".

"And that's how it's done, Dibe!" He proudly exclaimed.

Dibe chuckled, looking at the kid with eyes that betrayed his affection, despite his whispered words to me as he helped me up, "I have no idea where he gets these fantasies from."

I laughed, "come on, he's just a kid. I had similar thoughts when I was younger too."

His jaw hardened slightly with that statement, arching an eyebrow. "I thought you said you weren't into that "moroi is master" thing."

I winced internally. Not even a day and I was already getting caught up in little lies. "I-I meant about the killing strigoi part. Not the guardian one."

His gaze stayed on me for a second, while I tried to keep my face from giving away any signs of lying.

To my relief, the kid, pulling on Dibe's t-shirt, started to pull him towards the vendor. "Come onnnnn!!! I'm hungry!"

They headed off, but not before Dibe shot me a slightly confused look, as if I was a puzzle he couldn't figure out. I responded by sticking out my tongue and turning away dramatically, to see Dimitri standing right behind me with an amused look on his face, although I could've sworn I saw some iciness in his eyes when I'd turned around.

"Rosilia, why'd you leave without me?" He asked in a light tone, though it seemed slightly forced.

Lol yeah awkward place to end it but it's been far too long since I updated 😭

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