Chapter 6

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Weak, I thought, dispatching another guardian. So, so weak. Not worth my time. The strength, speed and power of a Strigoi exhilarated me. It was amazing.
In a moment, all the guardians were dead. I finally get to taste Moroi blood. From what I could smell, it smelt amazing.
The Moroi stepped out from where he was hiding, giving me a better view of him. He smiled wryly. "Rose."
My lips pulled back into a half smile half snarl. "Adrian."
He looks wary. I don't blame him. "I guess you aren't dead then. Everyone's torn up about your 'death'. Liss, Christian, yours truly, and your little Belikov."
That may have worked on me, bring me to tears, when I was dhampir. Weak. Mortal. Stupid. But now I just brushed it off and pretended Adrian hadn't said anything. "Why are you in Russia?" I snarled.
His face contorted into a look of pain as he realized what I had realized, how I so easily shoved aside the others' feelings for me. Of course that quickly vanished, turning into a grimace. "I came to Russia for your 'funeral' since it's been where you've lived for the past ten years."
"I see." I dropped into a crouch.
Under his flippancy and uncaringness, I saw fear in Adrian's eyes. "You know,someone could restore you, turn you back into a dhampir. You should have heard him over the phone. Way too easy to tell he's been crying. A lot. Hoarse, shaking voice, strangled noises coming from most likely him, and his tone was practically monotone. Blank. Like he was a shell that could only cry and grieve."
"Just a warning," I said pleasantly. "I'm about to kill you. Any last words?"
"Well... I personally think that the world will die to your badass Strigoi hands. No one can restore you, Liss is too weak, and Belikov would never have the heart if he wasn't dead yet. Oh, and, I still love you."
I lunged for his neck.
Im so sorry!! Other writers write 1000 words per chapter and here I am giving you 300 crappy words with slow updates. God, I'm awful at this.

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