Chapter 22

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"Comrade!" I shot up, covered in sweat, back in the bed that Dimitri and I shared. Only... where was he? I felt a weird sense of disorientation and a longing for him aching deep in my heart.

Strange, I thought. I see him all the time now, why do I miss him so much?

That reassured me, but it didn't change the fact that he was nowhere to be found. A little voice at the back of my head tried to reassure me with, "He probably just has some guardian duties, it's alright."

Yeah... what else would it be? Of course he has guardian duties to take care of, he can't be with me all the time. Feeling better, I lay back down and drifted into a peaceful sleep, feeling an odd sense of peace and happiness.
Sorry for the short chapter! Where do you guys think he's gone?

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