Chapter 5

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"About time," I heard a voice say as I blinked. "I thought for sure you were dead." I recognized the voice. A male's. However, something was off, making me unable to place the voice.
"W-who are you?" I mumbled, too stiff to turn my head to look for where the voice was coming from.
"You don't remember me, ghost girl?" A face appeared in my vision and I remembered exactly who it was.
"Robert." I snarled.
"Hello, Rose." He smiled pleasantly.
"You turned Strigoi." I said flatly.
"Yes. Only for one reason."
I felt a wave of curiosity. "What?"
He rolled his eyes. "To avenge my dear brother of course. The one you killed. There are benefits too. I can kill you more easily, dhampir. If faster and stronger than you, especially since you lack training. Not to mention, I can think clearly now! No spirit darkness to make me go insane, staring into space, not doing anything."
"How... how do you know I haven't trained?" I put on a brave face. He couldn't know that for sure, although it was true.
"I watched your two pathetic Strigoi fights. I didn't want you killed just yet. There were orders to keep you alive, just unconscious. Only your stupid Belikov had to cut in." His lips pulled back into a snarl. "I wanted to be the one to hear your screams of agony. Although everything has worked out nicely now." He finished, looking pleasant in a cold way, stalking towards me. "How to kill you..." he murmured, and I knew I didn't stand a chance, backing away from him.
Until my feet caught on fire.
Not literally, though it felt like it. I jumped up in surprise and looked at my bare feet, for first time noticing how my skin was very, very pale. And how I had stepped in sunlight. And a difference in my voice, a coldness. I finally realized what I was.
I grinned manically. "No more advantages now, eh, Robert?" I stalked towards him, seeing how he backed away. "I'm a Strigoi too. I think you wanted me to perish in the sunlight, but too late now.
"You." One precise step forward. "Are." Another step. "Dead." I lunged for him.

I finally took in my surroundings. Apparently Robert had actually been able to be the head of a group of Strigoi, from the looks of the room. Well, I killed him. So now I'm head.
A knock sounded at the door. "Come in," I said, grinning. It would be so fun to see the shock on their faces. The door swung open to a Strigoi, gaping at me and Robert's dead body on the floor.
Then he lunged at me.
I was about to take him out when I sensed five more presences at the doorway. Bring it on, I thought, relishing the power, speed and strength of being a Strigoi as I quickly dispatched all but two Strigoi that were stronger than the others.
"I'm your new leader," I turned to face their fear filled faces. "Any objections?"
They whipped their heads, a fast, craze filled shake.
I smiled coldly. "Good." Then I considered something. "Are there any more Strigoi? Or are they all here?" I gestured towards the pile of ash in the sunlight, the only remains of the dead Strigoi.
"Y-yes," one stuttered. "4 more. Out hunting.... lady......"
"Rose. You may call me lady Rose."
"Yes, lady.... Rose."
"Now find all four of them!" I commanded. "I want my whole army together right now." An army of Strigoi. Something that would have repulsed me before. Now I realized how much potential it had, the sheer force of a band of Strigoi. Of course I would dispose of them later. I would finish what Dimitri started. Only I needed him to become Strigoi first (pretend people who have been saved from being Strigoi can still turn back into Strigoi).
Dimitri, I thought. Sleep with one eye open from now on. I'm coming for you.

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