Chapter 17

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The blindfold is lifted off my eyes as I feel the floor material underneath me change. "Wha-What is this?" I ask as I stare around the massive ballroom.
"It's a party!" Dimitri replies playfully. "It's organized by queen Vasilisa, but don't worry. I charmed the necklace so no one will recognize you, and even if the charm comes off, you look so different with your makeup and hair."
"I... am I still allowed to avoid people I know? Like Eddie, or Mia, or Adrian...." I trail off.
He winces, though I'm not quite sure why. "Errr... that's a little difficult, but you can try."
Just then, a new voice joins the conversation. "Looks like you got a new toy."
I turn to see a guardian standing behind me, staring spitefully at Dimitri. I'm in awe of his height, seeing how he is even taller than Dimitri. I also feel as though I've met him somewhere, and that makes me uncomfortable. "I...." I fumble for an excuse to leave. "I'm hungry. I'm going to go get some food, okay?"
Dimitri, who I've realized has been glaring at the guardian the whole time, looks at me, smiles, and replies, "Sure, go ahead." His smile looks strained, like he is trying to cover up a different emotion.
I head towards the table that has the most food, and though I love food, it's the last thing on my mind. I absentmindedly grab a plate and pretend to put stuff on it, but really, I'm watching Dimitri and the other guardian who look like they're trying to be friendly but are failing. I thought Dimitri got along with  everyone...
Just then, another guardian approaches Dimitri, and I recognize the red crest on his uniform. And his face. One of the guardians guarding Lissa. My ex-coworker. I don't remember his name anymore, but he might remember me. I turn back around so my back is facing them and I grab a few random things from the table, not noticing what they are. Why'd Dimitri bring me here? I keep on thinking of ideas, but then they make no sense in the end.
In my daze, I trip over a person's leg, and I'm about to fall on my face before I feel a strong grip on my arm. Dimitri. I think in relief. "Thank you!" I say brightly, turning around only to see a different face. It's that guardian from before.
"No problem." His voice is achingly familiar, but I can't pinpoint it.
I stare at him. "Isn't that height a problem for you?"
"How blunt," he chuckles. "No, it's not." He considers for a moment, "I feel like I've seen you somewhere."
I freeze a little. "It must be a coincidence. I've never been to the Royal Court before."
"Well...." he seems reluctant to let it go. "What's your name?"
Make up something, make up something, make up something! "Rosilia," I say uncertainly. "Rosilia," I say, this time more confidently. "Nice to meet you." I stick out my hand.
He stares at it for a moment, then at me.
I cock my head.
Then, he bends down so he's eye level with me and shakes my hand. "Hi, Rosilia. My name is-"
"Are you making fun of my height?" My voice is more sharp than I intended. "How dare you! I bet I could kick your ass!"
He looks taken aback. "Whoa there, girlie, I didn't mean to offend you. Seriously. I was just addressing your question earlier."
Then, there's a glint in his eyes. "Do you really think you can take me?"
"Uhhhh....." Lemme think, nine years without training, or at least very scarcely, no muscle conditioning, no fighting or sparing until recently, and that was mostly when I was Strigoi. I couldn't even evade a few Strigoi before I was turned! "Now that I think about it, no."
He looks curious. "Weren't you just talking about 'kicking my ass'?"
"I... err....." I hesitate. I can't really reveal what has happened these past few years.
I feel a hand on my head and I turn around to see Dimitri. "You're back!" I exclaim joyfully, not only because he's back, but because I get strange feeling feeling around the man in front of me, and Dimitri is wary of him.
"Yep," he grins at me. "I've taken care of my business, so why don't you go around and have fun? I need to finish talking with him," he nods towards the guardian in front of us, "and then I'll join you."
What does he need to talk about? "Sure," I say uncertainly as I walk away with my plate of randomly chosen foods. Before I completely turn away, I see a look of relief on Dimitri's face.
Relief? Is it because I'm leaving? Curiously, I decide to check in on the conversation. When I look back, I see that Dimitri and that guardian are talking, and it seems to be a very tense conversation.
I circle around so I'm at an angle where they can hardly see me but I can see and hear them.
"....was your trip?" I hear Dimitri's voice.
"It was...." the guardian trails off, a strange lifeless look in his eyes. "I don't want to talk about it. Why didn't you come?"
"I had some business to take care of." Dimitri's voice is cold.
I smile. His business was to save me.
"Like what?" The other guardian sneers, though it is as ineffective as a hamster trying to growl like a lion. "Getting yourself another girl? Finally gone back to your playboy, woman killer side?"
Playboy? Woman killer? "How dare you accuse him of that!" I jump out and shout. "He's not a playboy at all, he's never been!"
Everyone turns to stare at me.
The other guardian looks at me coldly, but I detect a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "Oh really? I wonder just how well you know him..."
I glare. "I wonder how much you know him."
He shakes his head sadly. "It's your opinion." He walks away, leaving me feeling lost. What?
Before I register the conversation, Dimitri has dragged me off to the side. "Don't worry about that, Rose."
"I'm Rosilia right now," I say, smiling a little.
"Okay, Rosilia. Don't worry about him. He's just spiteful over something that happened a few years ago."
I look at him curious, "why would that make him hold so much of a grudge? He seems pretty good natured."
"Don't worry about it." He smiles broadly at me, then sighs. "Trust me, okay?"
"Of course," I murmur dreamily.
Then he pulls me in and kisses me for a long moment before looking up and noticing something. "I have to go now, li- Roza." There it is again. The 'li'. What is is supposed to mean?
For some reason, I don't have any will to ask any questions. "Okay..."
Then he's gone, leaving me standing there with my plate. I glance down at it to see a bunch of stuff that looks gross. "Yuck!" I exclaim.
"Those are good for you, you know."
It's that weird guardian again. "What do you want?" I snap.
"Nothing!" He holds his hands up. "I just want to chat."
"Why?" Suspicion is oozing from my every move.
"I'm just interested in the new girl that he chose."
A long pause. "No reason." He looks away with a hidden expression in his eyes.
I don't know what to say. He looks so listless, so lost. What had happened to this man?
Before I know it, he's recovered his composure and he's looking at me again. No, looking at my chest.
"Where are you looking!" I shout.
"Oh!" He relizes where he's looking and looks up at me apologetically. "I don't have any of those intentions towards you, don't worry." His voice drops to hardly a whisper. "Those emotions haven't resurfaced for years." I don't think I was supposed to hear that. Then he leans closer. "But...." he grips my necklace. "Where did you get that?"
My rose pendant! I push his hand away with all my might. "None of your business! Let go!" If he takes it off, my identity will be revealed! He'll recognise me! Everyone will recognise me!
He blinks for a few moments, looking surprised. For some reason, I didn't think it was even about my sudden explosion. "What was that?" He asks, mysitified.
It confuses me even more. What was what? What happened when he touched my necklace?

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