07. Friends

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Two weeks had passed since Jack had first arrived at the school. He had grown closer to Jonah and Corbyn, becoming really good friends with them. Jack hadn't seen the mysterious boy since the first day of school, but he was slowly learning to forget about him. Although, he sometimes still found his way into the back of Jack's mind...

Jack's thoughts were cut short by the sound of his phone ringing. He rolled over in his bed and picked it up off the night stand. He smiled as he answered, seeing Corbyn's contact name. "Yo, what's up bean?" Jack asked, his smile growing wider. "Get ready, we're going to a party. I'll come by hour house and pick you up in about 20, I'm already on my way to get Jonah." Corbyn informed me. I chuckled. "See you then I guess" I responded.

On the other end of the phone I heard a car door open and slam shut. "WHOOOOO, PARTAYYYY" Jonah yelled down the phone. "Jonah do- no Jonah not the steering whee- Jonah I swear to God-" I heard Corbyn incoherently mumble from the other side of the phone. "Jack we gotta go, get ready fast and we'll be there soo-"

And with that, the call ended. I let out a short laugh, standing up and walking my way over to my closet to pick an outfit. I grabbed a nice shirt and some black jeans, paired with some white vans. "Good enough" I mumbled, satisfied with my outfit.

After I changed, I waited for Corbyn and Jonah to arrive. It wasn't long before I heard a car swerving down my street, pulling up outside my house. I looked outside my window to see Jonah leaning over to the driver's seat and honking the horn loudly. I quickly swung my window open, poking my head outside. "Jonah, be quiet, my parents are asleep" I whisper-yelled down to him. "Sorry!" He giggled. It looked like Jonah had already begun the party judging by the bottle of alcohol he clutched in his hands. Drunk Jonah was fun but hard to control. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm coming down!" I loudly whispered before closing the window and running downstairs.

When I was out the front door, I ran over to Corbyn's car and hopped in. The roof to his convertible was down, leaving the nice breeze of the air of the night to blow across my face, lightly ruffling my curls in the process.

When we finally approached the party, me and Jonah hopped out while Corbyn went to look for a place to park. Jonah slinked an arm around me, dragging me in to the loud, colourful house. From the second we stepped inside the warm air hit my face. It was overcrowded, drunk teens cramped into the place. Some danced, some flirted, some did more than they should've been doing in public.

"Let's find somewhere less busy" Jonah yelled into Jack's ear, trying to be heard over the music. Jack nodded, allowing Jonah to pull him through the crowd. Jack gripped his hand tightly, not wanting to get lost in the sea of people. The two managed to make it to the kitchen all in one piece.

Jack surveyed the counter, a messy array of alcohol strewn across it. "What's your poison?" Jonah questioned, grabbing two red cups. Jack shrugged, not knowing what to say. He wasn't as experienced with drinking as Jonah. "Whatever you're having" he finally replied. Jonah nodded, grabbing a bottle with clear liquid. "If you insist" Jonah teased, a smirk on his face. "Oh no, what have I done?" Jack joked, pretending to be in fear. "Too much, Avery."

Jonah handed Jack his cup, a lop-sided smile on his face. Jack sniffed it before gagging. "Jeez, it's a bit strong" Jack remarked, holding the cup away from him. "Drink it, Jack. Let's have some fun" Jonah evilly urged, wiggling his eyebrows. Jack snorted, raising the cup to his lips and downing the contents of his cup. He started choking, and Jonah ran to pat his back.

"Fuck man, you weren't meant to drink it all that fast" he blurted, concerned. "Are you ok?" He hurriedly asked, worriedly looking at Jack. Jack paused for a second, before throwing his arms in the air. "WOOOOOO, PARTAYYY!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Jonah sighed with relief, joining in with Jack. "PARTAYYYYY!" They yelled in unison.

"What the hell did I miss?" Corbyn yelled from behind them. They turned around, greeting Corbyn. "I'll fix ya a drink" Jonah winked at him.

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